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Javascript function 没有在页面导航和使用 react-router-dom v6 的路由之间调用

[英]Javascript function not being called between page navigations and routing using react-router-dom v6

I have an app.js something like this我有一个 app.js 是这样的

class App extends React.Component {
    render() {
        return (
                <Route path="/"
                            auth={{ isAuthenticated: AuthenticationResource.isLoggedIn() }}
                            {' '}
                            <Navigate to="/dashboard" />
                <Route path="/login"
                            auth={{ isAuthenticated: AuthenticationResource.isLoggedIn() }}
                            {' '}
                            <LoginPage />
                <Route path="/dashboard"
                            auth={{ isAuthenticated: AuthenticationResource.isLoggedIn() }}
                            {' '}
                            <DashboardPage />

and my authentication resource like this和我这样的身份验证资源

import StorageFactory from './storage';

const AuthenticationResource = (() => {
    const storage = StorageFactory();

    const getSessionId = function () {
        console.log('sessioncookie', storage.getItem());
        return storage.getItem();

    const removeSessionId = function () {
        return storage.removeItem();

    return {
        isLoggedIn: () => typeof getSessionId() === 'string' && getSessionId().length > 0,

export default AuthenticationResource;

I have placed a console statement in the getSessionId function.我在 getSessionId function 中放置了一个控制台语句。 I am able to see the console logs when the page is loading the first time.第一次加载页面时,我可以看到控制台日志。 But whenever I am moving between pages using navigate, I don't see the console logs, which I am inferring that the isLoggedIn() is not getting called.但是,每当我使用导航在页面之间移动时,我都看不到控制台日志,我推断 isLoggedIn() 没有被调用。 Please help me out.请帮帮我。 Thanks in Advance提前致谢

PS This is how the private routing and public routing are defined PS 私有路由和公有路由是这样定义的

const PublicRoute = ({ auth: { isAuthenticated }, children }) => {
    return isAuthenticated ? <Navigate to="/dashboard" /> : children;

const PrivateRoute = ({ auth: { isAuthenticated }, children }) => {
    return isAuthenticated === true ? children : <Navigate to="/login" />;

The isLoggedIn function should be called when the route is accessed and not when the Route component rendered. isLoggedIn function 应该在访问路由时调用,而不是在渲染Route组件时调用。 Move invoking the function into the route protection components.将调用 function 移动到路由保护组件中。


const PublicRoute = ({ auth: { isAuthenticated }, children }) => {
  return isAuthenticated() // <-- invoke here
    ? <Navigate to="/dashboard" />
    : children;

const PrivateRoute = ({ auth: { isAuthenticated }, children }) => {
  return isAuthenticated() // <-- invoke here
    ? children
    : <Navigate to="/login" />;

... ...

          isAuthenticated: AuthenticationResource.isLoggedIn // <-- pass reference here
        <Navigate to="/dashboard" />
          isAuthenticated: AuthenticationResource.isLoggedIn // <-- pass reference here
        <LoginPage />
          isAuthenticated: AuthenticationResource.isLoggedIn // <-- pass reference here
        <DashboardPage />

编辑 javascript-function-not-being-called-between-page-navigations-and-routing-using

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