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Javascript function not being called between page navigations and routing using react-router-dom v6

I have an app.js something like this

class App extends React.Component {
    render() {
        return (
                <Route path="/"
                            auth={{ isAuthenticated: AuthenticationResource.isLoggedIn() }}
                            {' '}
                            <Navigate to="/dashboard" />
                <Route path="/login"
                            auth={{ isAuthenticated: AuthenticationResource.isLoggedIn() }}
                            {' '}
                            <LoginPage />
                <Route path="/dashboard"
                            auth={{ isAuthenticated: AuthenticationResource.isLoggedIn() }}
                            {' '}
                            <DashboardPage />

and my authentication resource like this

import StorageFactory from './storage';

const AuthenticationResource = (() => {
    const storage = StorageFactory();

    const getSessionId = function () {
        console.log('sessioncookie', storage.getItem());
        return storage.getItem();

    const removeSessionId = function () {
        return storage.removeItem();

    return {
        isLoggedIn: () => typeof getSessionId() === 'string' && getSessionId().length > 0,

export default AuthenticationResource;

I have placed a console statement in the getSessionId function. I am able to see the console logs when the page is loading the first time. But whenever I am moving between pages using navigate, I don't see the console logs, which I am inferring that the isLoggedIn() is not getting called. Please help me out. Thanks in Advance

PS This is how the private routing and public routing are defined

const PublicRoute = ({ auth: { isAuthenticated }, children }) => {
    return isAuthenticated ? <Navigate to="/dashboard" /> : children;

const PrivateRoute = ({ auth: { isAuthenticated }, children }) => {
    return isAuthenticated === true ? children : <Navigate to="/login" />;

The isLoggedIn function should be called when the route is accessed and not when the Route component rendered. Move invoking the function into the route protection components.


const PublicRoute = ({ auth: { isAuthenticated }, children }) => {
  return isAuthenticated() // <-- invoke here
    ? <Navigate to="/dashboard" />
    : children;

const PrivateRoute = ({ auth: { isAuthenticated }, children }) => {
  return isAuthenticated() // <-- invoke here
    ? children
    : <Navigate to="/login" />;


          isAuthenticated: AuthenticationResource.isLoggedIn // <-- pass reference here
        <Navigate to="/dashboard" />
          isAuthenticated: AuthenticationResource.isLoggedIn // <-- pass reference here
        <LoginPage />
          isAuthenticated: AuthenticationResource.isLoggedIn // <-- pass reference here
        <DashboardPage />

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