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Redirection In React-Router-Dom v6

What is the correct process for re-directions in v6? I was previously using the following code in v5, which was working fine:

<Route path="/login">
  {user ? <Redirect to="/" /> : <LoginStandard />}

However, I would like to use the same logic in this version. When my user has logged in, I would like to re-direct.

<Route path="/login">
  <Route index element={<LoginStandard />} />

With React Router Dom v6 you redirect with Navigate instead of Redirect . Something like so:

import {Navigate} from "react-router-dom";
<Route path="/login">
   { user ? <Navigate to="/" /> : <LoginStandard/>}

Use the Navigate component to redirect. The conditional rendering logic still needs to be applied and components rendered out on the Route component's element prop.


  element={user ? <Navigate to="/" replace /> : <LoginStandard />}

It is often considered better practice to abstract this into a custom route protection component that conditionally renders an Outlet for nested routes or the Navigate component.


import { Navigate, Outlet } from 'react-router-dom';

const AnonymousRoute = ({ user }) => user
  ? <Navigate to="/" replace />
  : <Outlet />;


<Route element={<AnonymousRoute user={user} />}>
  <Route path="/login" element={<LoginStandard />} />
  ... other anonymous routes ...
... other routes

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