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Poco::Net::FTPClientSession 上传空白,实际目标文件的 0 字节副本

[英]Poco::Net::FTPClientSession uploading blank, 0-byte copy of the actual target file

I am currently writing a class which handles a variety of FTP requests and I'm using Poco's FTPClientSession class.我目前正在编写一个 class 来处理各种 FTP 请求,并且我正在使用 Poco 的 FTPClientSession class。 I've managed to get most of the stuff I needed to work, however I'm facing an issue regarding uploading files to the server.我已经设法获得了工作所需的大部分内容,但是在将文件上传到服务器时遇到了问题。

int  __fastcall upload(String sLocalPath,
        String sLocalFile, // String can be substituted by std::string here, basically the same thing
        String sRemotePath,
        String sRemoteFile,
        String& sErr,
        int    iMode,
        bool   bRemoveFile)
            // replace backslashes with forward slashes in the filepath strings,
            // append one if necessary
            std::string sLocalFilepath = sLocalPath.c_str();
            std::replace(sLocalFilepath.begin(), sLocalFilepath.end(), '\\', '/');

            if (sLocalFilepath[sLocalFilepath.size() - 1] != '/')
                sLocalFilepath += "/";
            sLocalFilepath += sLocalFile.c_str();

            std::string sRemoteFilepath = sRemotePath.c_str();
            std::replace(sRemoteFilepath.begin(), sRemoteFilepath.end(), '\\', '/');
            // traverses and/or creates directories in the server (this definitely works)
            FailsafeDirectoryCycler(sRemoteFilepath, "/");

            // upload the file

            // change the name if necessary
            if (sLocalFile != sRemoteFile)
                std::string oldName = sLocalFile.c_str();
                std::string newName = sRemoteFile.c_str();
                m_Session.rename(oldName, newName);

            // delete the local file if specified
            if (bRemoveFile)
                DeleteFileA((sLocalPath + sLocalFile).c_str());


            return 0;
        catch (Poco::Exception& e)
            std::cout << e.displayText() << std::endl;
            return -1;

The above function also changes the file transfer mode ( TYPE_TEXT or TYPE_BINARY ), however I excluded it for clarity, as I am certain it works as intended.上面的 function 也改变了文件传输模式( TYPE_TEXTTYPE_BINARY ),但是为了清楚起见,我排除了它,因为我确信它可以按预期工作。 The call to this function looks as follows:对此 function 的调用如下所示:

f.upload(".", "filename123.txt", "testdir1\\testdir2\\abc", "filenamenew.txt", err, 0, true);

The arguments indicate that the file to be transfered is ./filename.txt , and it will end up as /testdir1/testdir2/abc/filenamenew.txt , which is exactly what happens (the rest of the arguments doesn't matter in this case). arguments 表示要传输的文件是./filename.txt ,最终会变成/testdir1/testdir2/abc/filenamenew.txt ,这正是发生的情况(ZDBC11CAA5BDA5C6800AAD896F888B2A62AFCZ 在这个78829D7F中没有问题案子)。 However, my issue is, the local file contains a short string: abcdef .但是,我的问题是,本地文件包含一个短字符串: abcdef The file, which gets uploaded to the server, does not contain a single byte;上传到服务器的文件不包含单个字节; it is blank.它是空白的。

I couldn't find an answer to this question other than there is insufficient space on the server, which is definitely not the issue in this case.除了服务器上的空间不足之外,我找不到这个问题的答案,这绝对不是这种情况下的问题。 I shall add that the server is hosted locally using XLight FTP Server.我要补充一点,服务器是使用 XLight FTP 服务器在本地托管的。 Has anyone encountered this kind of problem before?有没有人遇到过这种问题?

Turns out, Poco::Net::FTPClientSession::beginUpload() doesn't read the file on its own.事实证明, Poco::Net::FTPClientSession::beginUpload() 不会自行读取文件。 It returns a reference to an std::ostream, to which you need to load the contents of the file yourself (eg using std::ifstream):它返回对 std::ostream 的引用,您需要自己加载文件的内容(例如使用 std::ifstream):

std::ifstream hFile(sLocalFilepath, std::ios::in);
std::string line;
std::ostream& os = m_Session.beginUpload(sRemoteFile.c_str());
while (std::getline(hFile, line))
    os << line;

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