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IBM MQ 队列管理器通道 SVRCONN 未启动

[英]IBM MQ Queue Manager channel SVRCONN does not starting

I've created a queue manager named TEST1 and in this queue manager i've created a channel named TEST1 for server connection SVRCONN.我创建了一个名为TEST1的队列管理器,并且在这个队列管理器中,我为服务器连接 SVRCONN 创建了一个名为TEST1的通道。 My channel is created successfully but channel does not able to start.我的频道创建成功,但频道无法启动。 在此处输入图像描述

When i tried to start the channel using MQ explorer is shows channel is starting but it doesn't start.当我尝试使用 MQ 资源管理器启动通道时,显示通道正在启动但它没有启动。


Kindly help me on this.请帮助我。 I've also checks queue manager logs but doesn't found any useful.我还检查了队列管理器日志,但没有发现任何用处。

A SVRCONN only runs when you connect a client application to it. SVRCONN 仅在您将客户端应用程序连接到它时运行。 It will not go into Running state from a START CHANNEL command.它不会 go 从 START CHANNEL 命令运行 state。 The START CHANNEL command is only needed if it was STOPPED by another command and you needed to undo that and put it back into a state where it is able to run when an application connects. START CHANNEL 命令仅在它被另一个命令停止并且您需要撤消该命令并将其放回 state 时才需要,它可以在应用程序连接时运行。

To test this out, set an environment variable as follows:-要对此进行测试,请按如下方式设置环境变量:-

set MQSERVER=TEST/TCP/localhost(port-of-your-listener)

then run the following IBM Supplied sample application:-然后运行以下 IBM 提供的示例应用程序:-


this application will wait for you to type in something to become the message text.此应用程序将等待您输入一些内容以成为消息文本。 While it is waiting, the application is connected to the queue manager and you should see the SVRCONN channel in Running status.在等待时,应用程序已连接到队列管理器,您应该会看到 SVRCONN 通道处于运行状态。

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