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IBM MQ Queue Manager channel SVRCONN does not starting

I've created a queue manager named TEST1 and in this queue manager i've created a channel named TEST1 for server connection SVRCONN. My channel is created successfully but channel does not able to start. 在此处输入图像描述

When i tried to start the channel using MQ explorer is shows channel is starting but it doesn't start.


Kindly help me on this. I've also checks queue manager logs but doesn't found any useful.

A SVRCONN only runs when you connect a client application to it. It will not go into Running state from a START CHANNEL command. The START CHANNEL command is only needed if it was STOPPED by another command and you needed to undo that and put it back into a state where it is able to run when an application connects.

To test this out, set an environment variable as follows:-

set MQSERVER=TEST/TCP/localhost(port-of-your-listener)

then run the following IBM Supplied sample application:-


this application will wait for you to type in something to become the message text. While it is waiting, the application is connected to the queue manager and you should see the SVRCONN channel in Running status.

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