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PHP 无法在 foreach 循环中将数组转换为 JSON object

[英]PHP can't convert array to JSON object in foreach loop

I want to parse this JSON Object later in C# but can't convert the array in the foreach loop to the correct format for JSON Object. I want to parse this JSON Object later in C# but can't convert the array in the foreach loop to the correct format for JSON Object.

$data = [];

$servers = $srv->getAllSrv();

foreach ($servers as $server) {
    $ip_port = $server->addr() . ':' . $server->port();
    $hostname = $server->hostname();
    $data["hostname"] = $hostname;
    $data["ip_port"] = $ip_port;
    $data_json = json_encode($data, JSON_FORCE_OBJECT);
    echo $data_json;

// output: 

{"hostname":"Server 1","ip_port":""}{"hostname":"Server 2","ip_port":""}{"hostname":"Server 3","ip_port":""}{"hostname":"Server 4","ip_port":""}{"hostname":"Server 5","ip_port":""}

Why there is no commas between them?为什么它们之间没有逗号? and I don't think this is a JSON object我不认为这是 JSON object

Why there is no commas between them?为什么它们之间没有逗号?

Because you didn't echo any.因为你没有回应。

and I don't think this is a JSON object我不认为这是 JSON object

You are correct;你是对的; it is a sequence of JSON objects next to each other, because that's what you asked PHP to produce.它是一系列相邻的 JSON 对象,因为这是您要求 PHP 生成的。

In your loop, you are taking each array, and echoing it as JSON;在您的循环中,您正在获取每个数组,并将其回显为 JSON; but at no point are you joining those together in any way .但是您绝不会以任何方式将它们结合在一起 If you want them all to be part of one JSON object at the end, you need to combine them first, and then run json_encode once.如果您希望它们全部成为 JSON object 最后的一部分,则需要先将它们组合起来,然后运行json_encode一次。 For example:例如:

// start with an empty structure to add things to
$combined_data = [];

foreach ($servers as $server) {
   // your code to build the item here
   $data = ...
   // add the item to the combined structure; in this case, adding it to a list
   $combined_data[] = $data;
   // Note: no echo here!

// output the whole thing as one JSON string; in this case, a JSON array
echo json_encode($combined_data);

Your problem is when you store $data in $combined_data, you're doing it in the wrong way.您的问题是当您将 $data 存储在 $combined_data 中时,您以错误的方式进行操作。 use array_push() function instead, as I suggest:正如我建议的那样,请use array_push() function :

$combined_data = [];

$servers = $srv->getAllSrv();

foreach ($servers as $server) {
    $ip_port = $server->addr() . ':' . $server->port();
    $hostname = $server->hostname();
    $data["hostname"] = $hostname;
    $data["ip_port"] = $ip_port;
    // don't do it in this way => $combined_data[] = $data;
    // do this instead
    array_push($combined_data, $data);
    //this will solve your problem

echo json_encode($combined_data);

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