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PHP 无法在 foreach 循环中将数组转换为 JSON object

[英]PHP can't convert array to JSON object in foreach loop

I want to parse this JSON Object later in C# but can't convert the array in the foreach loop to the correct format for JSON Object.

$data = [];

$servers = $srv->getAllSrv();

foreach ($servers as $server) {
    $ip_port = $server->addr() . ':' . $server->port();
    $hostname = $server->hostname();
    $data["hostname"] = $hostname;
    $data["ip_port"] = $ip_port;
    $data_json = json_encode($data, JSON_FORCE_OBJECT);
    echo $data_json;

// output: 

{"hostname":"Server 1","ip_port":""}{"hostname":"Server 2","ip_port":""}{"hostname":"Server 3","ip_port":""}{"hostname":"Server 4","ip_port":""}{"hostname":"Server 5","ip_port":""}

为什么它们之间没有逗号? 我不认为这是 JSON object



我不认为这是 JSON object

你是对的; 它是一系列相邻的 JSON 对象,因为这是您要求 PHP 生成的。

在您的循环中,您正在获取每个数组,并将其回显为 JSON; 但是您绝不会以任何方式将它们结合在一起 如果您希望它们全部成为 JSON object 最后的一部分,则需要先将它们组合起来,然后运行json_encode一次。 例如:

// start with an empty structure to add things to
$combined_data = [];

foreach ($servers as $server) {
   // your code to build the item here
   $data = ...
   // add the item to the combined structure; in this case, adding it to a list
   $combined_data[] = $data;
   // Note: no echo here!

// output the whole thing as one JSON string; in this case, a JSON array
echo json_encode($combined_data);

您的问题是当您将 $data 存储在 $combined_data 中时,您以错误的方式进行操作。 正如我建议的那样,请use array_push() function :

$combined_data = [];

$servers = $srv->getAllSrv();

foreach ($servers as $server) {
    $ip_port = $server->addr() . ':' . $server->port();
    $hostname = $server->hostname();
    $data["hostname"] = $hostname;
    $data["ip_port"] = $ip_port;
    // don't do it in this way => $combined_data[] = $data;
    // do this instead
    array_push($combined_data, $data);
    //this will solve your problem

echo json_encode($combined_data);


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