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如何使用 firebase 9 push 来实现这一点?

[英]How do I achieve this using firebase 9 push?

I switch to firebase 9 and want to achieve following我切换到 firebase 9 并希望实现以下


I am trying the following我正在尝试以下

const customerSelectedRef = ref(db,`/serviceProvider/${user1.uid}/moneyCollector/customers`);
const customerSelectedRefPush = push(customerSelectedRef);
set(customerSelectedRefPush, customerSelected); // not wanted to use {customerSelected} which gives key value pair under push id

How could add value directly to push id?怎么能直接为push id增值?


The old method was旧方法是

    .then(() => {
      console.log("Data set.moneyCollector cutomer added");
      checkdubArray = [];

Where push id acts as key for customerSelected and I try to get same result in firebase 9. Dont want the result which I have marked as cross其中 push id 作为customerSelected的键,我尝试在 firebase 9 中获得相同的结果。不想要我标记为交叉的结果

You can pass the string value directly in push() along with the DatabaseReference as shown below:您可以将字符串值与DatabaseReference一起直接在push()中传递,如下所示:

const customerSelectedRef = ref(db,`/service/${user1.uid}/Collector/customers`);

await push(customerSelectedRef , "string_value") // Not object

The result would be:结果将是:


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