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[英]How to exclude word from matching that is optional using regex

I want to be able to match the following:我希望能够匹配以下内容:

top of pole
top of existing pole
existing top of pole

but not但不是

proposed top of pole

I tried to use ((?=proposed)\s)*top\sof\s(existing\s)?pole with look back, but it doesn't quite work, still matching proposed top of pole.我尝试使用((?=proposed)\s)*top\sof\s(existing\s)?pole回顾一下,但它不太有效,仍然匹配proposed的极点顶部。

How to exclude certain word when it is optional?可选时如何排除某些单词?

You can exclude a certain word like this:您可以像这样排除某个单词:


There are a couple of things going on in this solution:此解决方案中有几件事:

  • \w+\s matches a word and 1 whitespace character, \w+\s匹配一个单词和 1 个空格字符,

  • The negative lookbehind (?<!proposed\s) gurantees that, once the regex is at this position after the word and space, looking backwards we do not match "proposed ".否定的后视(?<!proposed\s)保证,一旦正则表达式在单词和空格之后的这个 position 处,向后看我们不匹配“proposed”。

  • The (...)? (...)? makes the (word, space, and no "proposed ") match optional.使 (word, space, and no "proposed ") 匹配可选。

For a more detailed walkthrough: https://regex101.com/r/LLs2zA/1有关更详细的演练: https://regex101.com/r/LLs2zA/1

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