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H2O XGboost 中 reg_alpha 和 reg_lambda 的可接受范围是多少?

[英]What's the acceptable range for reg_alpha and reg_lambda in H2O XGboost?

H2O document doesn't detail on these two hyper parameters. H2O 文档没有详细说明这两个超参数。 It only says these are L1 and L2 regularization parameters, with default values as 0 and 1. I can't find more info googling it either.它只说这些是 L1 和 L2 正则化参数,默认值为 0 和 1。我也找不到更多信息谷歌搜索它。 Can someone provide any insight?有人可以提供任何见解吗? TIA!蒂亚!

Alpha and lambda have no acceptable range. Alpha 和 lambda 没有可接受的范围。 Usually, it depends on the problem you're trying to solve and the other parameters you're using, like max depth.通常,这取决于您要解决的问题以及您正在使用的其他参数,例如最大深度。 The value for both typically ranges from 0 to 5, but it is not limited to that range.两者的值通常在 0 到 5 之间,但不限于该范围。

I recommend you to take a look at this link: https://medium.com/data-design/xgboost-hi-im-gamma-what-can-i-do-for-you-and-the-tuning-of-regularization-a42ea17e6ab6我建议你看看这个链接: https://medium.com/data-design/xgboost-hi-im-gamma-what-can-i-do-for-you-and-the-tuning-of -正则化-a42ea17e6ab6

The idea is very clearly explained.这个想法解释得很清楚。

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