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为什么我的折线图在每个月后都会下降到 0,为什么在 12 月突然出现峰值? (这是在 Tableau 中)

[英]Why is my line graph falling to 0 after each month and why is there a sudden spike in december? (this is in Tableau)

Revenue month chart of 2011 2011年收入月图

I am supposed to make line chart to analyse the revenue for each month in a particular year.我应该制作折线图来分析特定年份每个月的收入。 So what should be done other than this?那么除此之外应该怎么做呢? Is this one right?这是对的吗?

The Revenue column is the problem.收入列是问题所在。 I believe you want a continuous measure (Sum, Max, Avg etc) while you are now using a continuous dimension.我相信您现在使用连续维度时需要一个连续度量(Sum、Max、Avg 等)。

Remove the Revenue from rows and bring a Sum(Revenue) or similar.从行中删除收入并带来 Sum(Revenue) 或类似的值。

Wrong chart type, and (perhaps) data aggregation issue - you want a bar chart by month, not a line-chart by day.错误的图表类型和(可能)数据聚合问题 - 您想要按月绘制条形图,而不是按天绘制折线图。

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