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反应原生 expo 图像选择器错误

[英]react native expo image picker errors

When I try add plugin ( "plugins": [ [ "expo-image-picker", { "cameraPermission": "The app accesses your camera to let you add new places" } ] ] ) I get an error plugin error当我尝试添加插件( "plugins": [ [ "expo-image-picker", { "cameraPermission": "The app accesses your camera to let you add new places" } ] ] )我收到一个错误插件错误

then I'm trying to instal expo "expo install expo-image-picker" but another error showing up that cannot find module error so I stuck.. Can anyone please help?然后我正在尝试安装 expo “expo install expo-image-picker”,但是出现了另一个错误,找不到模块错误,所以我卡住了..有人可以帮忙吗?

I run "npm install expo-image-picker" instead of "expo install expo image picker" then problem has solved我运行“npm install expo-image-picker”而不是“expo install expo 图像选择器”然后问题解决了

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