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[英]Extraction of tuned hyperparameters from tuning instance archive

I've build an automated machine learning system based on the following example:我基于以下示例构建了一个自动化机器学习系统:

https://mlr-org.com/gallery/2021-03-11-practical-tuning-series-build-an-automated-machine-learning-system/ https://mlr-org.com/gallery/2021-03-11-practical-tuning-series-build-an-automated-machine-learning-system/

I've used the learners xgboost and Random Forest and made use of branching .我使用了学习器 xgboost 和 Random Forest 并使用了branching xgboost gave me the best results during the training phase. xgboost 在训练阶段给了我最好的结果。 Therefore I've extracted the optimized hyperparameters and build the final xgboost model:因此,我提取了优化的超参数并构建了最终的 xgboost model:

lrn = as_learner(graph)
lrn$param_set$values = instance$result_learner_param_vals

I'm also interested in the param_vals of the best performing Random Forest model.我也对性能最好的随机森林 model 的param_vals感兴趣。

I've thought, I could get the hyperparameters and save the best Random Forest model like that:我想,我可以获得超参数并像这样保存最好的随机森林 model:

Arch = as.data.table(instance$archive, exclude_columns = NULL) # so we keep the uhash
best_RF = Arch[branch.selection == "lrn_ranger"]
best_RF = best_RF[which.min(best_RF$regr.rmse), ] # to get the best RF model from the data table
instance$archive$learner_param_vals(uhash = best_RF$uhash)

lrn_2 = as_learner(graph)
lrn_2$param_set$values = instance$archive$learner_param_vals(uhash = best_RF$uhash)
#lrn_2$param_set$values = instance$archive$learner_param_vals(i = best_RF$batch_nr)

When I use the uhash or the batch_nr I can't retrieve the hyperparameters of the best Random Forest model.当我使用uhashbatch_nr ,我无法检索最佳随机森林 model 的超参数。 I always receive the param_set of the first row in the archive, while the uhash and batch_nr are correct:我总是收到存档中第一行的param_set ,而uhashbatch_nr是正确的:

selector_name(c("T", "RH"))

[1] "missing_train"

[1] "factor"

selector_invert(selector_type(c("factor", "ordered", "character")))

[1] "treatment"


[1] "lrn_ranger"




[1] 1

[1] 0

[1] 15

[1] 1

[1] 1

[1] 26

[1] 0.8735846

Can somebody give me a hint about how I can reach my goal of the extraction of other hyperparameters, when I'm not only interested in the output of instance$result_learner_param_vals ?当我不仅对instance$result_learner_param_vals result_learner_param_vals 的 output 感兴趣时,有人可以给我一个关于如何达到提取其他超参数的目标的提示吗?


I wanted to clarify something, which is also related to branching.我想澄清一些事情,这也与分支有关。 I'm not sure if it is intended to work like that after reading the comment of @be_marc.在阅读@be_marc 的评论后,我不确定它是否打算像那样工作。 Let's use the gallery example I've posted as a reference.让我们使用我发布的画廊示例作为参考。 I want to compare the results of different tuned branches using a GraphLearner object.我想使用 GraphLearner object 比较不同调整分支的结果。 I've created the final model like in the gallery example, which is in my case a xgboost model.我已经创建了最终的 model,就像在画廊示例中一样,在我的例子中是 xgboost model。 I also want to create the final models for the other branches for benchmarking purposes.我还想为其他分支创建最终模型以进行基准测试。 The issue is, that if I don't create a deep clone of the original graph_learner , the original graph_learner gets his value changed for the parameter branch.selection .问题是,如果我不创建原始 graph_learner 的deep clone ,原始graph_learner会更改参数branch.selection的值。 Why can't I just use a normal clone?为什么我不能只使用普通的克隆? Why must it be a deep clone?为什么一定是深度克隆? Is it supposed to work like that?它应该像那样工作吗? Mostlikely I'm not sure what the difference is between a clone and deep clone.很可能我不确定克隆和深度克隆之间有什么区别。

# Reference for cloning https://mlr3.mlr-org.com/reference/Resampling.html
# equivalent to object called graph_learner in mlr3 gallery example 
graph_learner$param_set$values$branch.selection # original graph_learner object (reference MLR_gallery in first post)

# individually uncomment for different cases
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#MLR_graph = graph # object graph_learner doesn't keeps its original state
#MLR_graph = graph$clone() # object graph_learner doesn't keeps its original state
MLR_graph = graph$clone(deep = TRUE) # object graph_learner keeps its original state
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
MLR_graph$param_set$values$branch.selection # value inherited from original graph
MLR_graph$param_set$values$branch.selection = "lrn_MLR" # change set value to other branch
MLR_graph$param_set$values$branch.selection # changed to branch "lrn_MLR"
MLR_lrn = as_learner(MLR_graph) # create a learner from graph with new set branch

# Here we can see the different behaviours based on if we don't clone, clone or deep clone
# at the end, the original graph_learner is supposed to keep it's original state

When I don't use a deep clone, the overall best model lrn (jump to the beginning of this post) gets affected too.当我不使用深度克隆时,整体上最好的 model lrn (跳转到本文开头)也会受到影响。 In my case, it was xgboost.就我而言,它是 xgboost。 The parameter branch.selection of lrn gets set to lrn_MLR : lrn_MLR的参数branch.selection设置为lrn


* Model: list
* Parameters: slct_1.selector=<Selector>, missind.which=missing_train, missind.type=factor,
  missind.affect_columns=<Selector>, encode.method=treatment, encode.affect_columns=<Selector>,
  branch.selection=lrn_MLR, slct_2.selector=<Selector>, mutate.mutation=<list>, mutate.delete_originals=FALSE,
  xgboost.alpha=1.891, xgboost.eta=0.06144, xgboost.lambda=0.01341, xgboost.max_depth=3, xgboost.nrounds=122,
  xgboost.nthread=1, xgboost.verbose=0, ranger.num.threads=1
* Packages: mlr3, mlr3pipelines, stats, mlr3learners, xgboost, ranger
* Predict Types:  [response], se, distr
* Feature Types: logical, integer, numeric, character, factor, ordered, POSIXct
* Properties: featureless, hotstart_backward, hotstart_forward, importance, loglik, missings, oob_error,
  selected_features, weights

Edit 2: Okay, I just found out, that I should always use deep clones, when I work with different, distinct learners in an experiment: https://github.com/mlr-org/mlr3/issues/344编辑 2:好的,我刚刚发现,当我在实验中与不同的、不同的学习者一起工作时,我应该始终使用深度克隆: https://github.com/mlr-org/mlr3/issues/344

The behaviour is intended.该行为是有意的。

We fixed the bug in the latest dev version (10.09.2022).我们修复了最新开发版本 (10.09.2022) 中的错误。 You can install it with你可以安装它


The learners were not reassembled properly.学习者没有正确地重新组装。 This works again这再次有效


learner = po("subsample") %>>% lrn("classif.rpart", cp = to_tune(0.1, 1))

# hyperparameter tuning on the pima indians diabetes data set
instance = tune(
  method = "random_search",
  task = tsk("pima"),
  learner = learner,
  resampling = rsmp("cv", folds = 3),
  measure = msr("classif.ce"),
  term_evals = 10

instance$archive$learner_param_vals(i = 1)
instance$archive$learner_param_vals(i = 2)

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