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Prefect 2 Dask:提交不消耗资源

[英]Prefect 2 Dask: submit Not Consuming Resources

Goal: I am trying to Get tasks created by Prefect 2 for Dask to consume the GPU resource to prevent over working.目标:我正在尝试获取 Prefect 2 为 Dask 创建的任务以消耗 GPU 资源以防止过度工作。

Checked: I setup my dask-workers with a resource of GPU=1 each.检查:我为我的 dask-workers 设置了每个 GPU=1 的资源。 I have checked the dashboard and confirmed they all have GPU as 1.我检查了仪表板并确认它们都将 GPU 设为 1。

Problem: When running my task via Prefect 2 I don't see the resource being marked as consumed and then eventually each worker gets over worked and crashes.问题:当通过 Prefect 2 运行我的任务时,我没有看到资源被标记为已消耗,然后最终每个工作人员都过度工作并崩溃。

This is what I am doing in prefect from my understand of the documentation in https://prefecthq.github.io/prefect-dask/ :根据我对https://prefecthq.github.io/prefect-dask/中的文档的理解,这就是我正在做的事情:

with dask.annotate(resources={'GPU': 1}):

I think it is likely a simple fix and I am just misunderstanding something.我认为这可能是一个简单的修复,我只是误解了一些东西。

Could you share a full example of your flow to see how you apply that?您能否分享一个完整的流程示例,看看您是如何应用它的? Also, what is your Prefect version?另外,你的Prefect版本是什么? Printing the output of prefect version would be helpful.打印prefect version的 output 会有所帮助。

If you run on self-hosted Orion, the likely problem is networking -- this is something that would be easier to set up for a PoC with Cloud (there is a free tier so you can just sign up to troubleshoot: https://app.prefect.cloud/ ).如果您在自托管 Orion 上运行,则可能的问题是网络问题 - 这对于使用 Cloud 的 PoC 设置会更容易(有一个免费层,因此您只需注册即可进行故障排除: https:// app.prefect.cloud/ )。

If nothing else works, it might help to create a GitHub issue on the Collection repo https://github.com/PrefectHQ/prefect-dask/issues describing all the steps you've taken so far and what doesn't work as expected如果没有其他方法,它可能有助于在 Collection repo https://github.com/PrefectHQ/prefect-dask/issues上创建一个 GitHub 问题,描述您到目前为止采取的所有步骤以及哪些没有按预期工作

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