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用 Python 读取二进制文件 header

[英]Reading a binary file header with Python

I have some binary data that I want to read via Python.我有一些我想通过 Python 读取的二进制数据。 I have the C code to do this, but I want to try it in Python.我有 C 代码来执行此操作,但我想在 Python 中尝试它。

Let's say the header of the file is as follows:假设文件的 header 如下:

typedef struct
    uint64_t    message_time;           
    float       lon, lat, alt;  
    int32_t     extraint32[16]; 
    float       extrafloat[16]; 
    char        aircraft_name[100];     

Using Python, I do the following:使用 Python,我执行以下操作:

from ctypes import *

class aircraft_header(Structure):
    _fields_ = [('message_time', c_uint64),
                ('lon', c_float), ('lat', c_float), ('alt', c_float),
                ('extraint32[16]', c_int32),
                ('extrafloat[16]', c_float),
                ('aircraft_name[100]', c_char)

with open("../data/somefile.bin",mode='rb') as file:
    result = []
    allc = aircraft_header()
    while file.readinto(allc) == sizeof(allc):
                       allc.lon, allc.lat, allc.alt,

This will throw the exception:这将引发异常:

AttributeError: 'aircraft_header' object has no attribute 'extraint32'

How do I resolve this?我该如何解决这个问题? Also, is there a more Pythonic way of reading this binary file?另外,是否有更 Pythonic 的方式来读取这个二进制文件?

Take a look at the attributes available on an aicraft_header object:查看aicraft_header object 上可用的属性:

>>> example = aircraft_header()
>>> [x for x in dir(example) if not x.startswith('_')]
['aircraft_name[100]', 'alt', 'extrafloat[16]', 'extraint32[16]', 'lat', 'lon', 'message_time']

You have an attribute that is named literally extraint32[16] , which suggests you have an error in how your definining your Structure .您有一个名为extraint32 extraint32[16]的属性,这表明您在定义Structure时存在错误。

Taking a look at ctypes documentation , I think you want:看看ctypes 文档,我想你想要:

from ctypes import *

class aircraft_header(Structure):
    _fields_ = [('message_time', c_uint64),
                ('lon', c_float), ('lat', c_float), ('alt', c_float),
                ('extraint32', c_int32 * 16),
                ('extrafloat', c_float * 16),
                ('aircraft_name', c_char * 100)

This appears to behave as expected:这似乎表现得如预期:

>>> example.extraint32
<__main__.c_int_Array_16 object at 0x7fda7c9068c0>
>>> example.extraint32[0]
>>> example.extraint32[15]
>>> example.extraint32[16]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
IndexError: invalid index

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