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如何将文件保存到 ASP.NET Core 中的另一个文件夹

[英]How to save files to another folder in ASP.NET Core

I am trying to make an image-saving tactic.我正在尝试制定一种节省图像的策略。 It's simple, the user uploads some images and sends them to a folder on the server's computer.很简单,用户上传一些图像并将它们发送到服务器计算机上的文件夹中。

I took a code to save only one image from the user at a time and tried to make it work with multiple images.我使用代码一次只保存用户的一张图片,并尝试让它与多张图片一起使用。 Here are the results:结果如下:

  • It still saves only one image.它仍然只保存一张图像。
  • The image is being saved as a HEX code.图像被保存为十六进制代码。

Here's the code:这是代码:


using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace SaveImagesTest.Models
    public class UploadModel
        public List<string> Name { get; set; }
        public List<IFormFile> File { get; set; }


using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using SaveImagesTest.Models;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting;
using System.IO;

namespace SaveImagesTest.Controllers
    public class FileUploadController : Controller
        private IHostingEnvironment hostingEnv;

        public FileUploadController(IHostingEnvironment env)
            this.hostingEnv = env;

        public IActionResult Upload()
            return View();

        public IActionResult Upload(UploadModel upload)
            var FileDic = "Files";

            string FilePath = Path.Combine(hostingEnv.WebRootPath, FileDic);

            if (!Directory.Exists(FilePath))

            int count = 0;

            foreach (var file in upload.File)
                var fileName = ++count;
                var filePath = Path.Combine(FilePath, fileName.ToString());

                using (FileStream fs = System.IO.File.Create(filePath))

            return View("Index");


@model SaveImagesTest.Models.UploadModel

     Layout = null;

<!DOCTYPE html>
     <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width" />
     <title>ASP.NET Core save image to folder </title>
     @using (Html.BeginForm("Upload", "FileUpload", FormMethod.Post, new { enctype = "multipart/form-data" }))
                 <td>File Upload:</td>
                     <input type="file" id="File_Upload" name="File" onchange="readURL(this);" accept="image/*" multiple />
                     <br />
                 <td>File Name:</td>
                     @Html.EditorFor(model => model.Name, new { htmlAttributes = new { @class = "form-control" } })
                     @Html.ValidationMessageFor(model => model.Name, "", new { @class = "text-danger" })
                     <input type="submit" value="Upload" class="btn-default" />

Here's a short summary of what happens: I upload multiple random files, and I see that all of the images are there in the images list.以下是所发生情况的简短摘要:我上传了多个随机文件,我看到所有图像都在图像列表中。 in the Upload function, it's going but saves only the first as HEX.在 Upload function 中,它正在运行,但仅将第一个保存为 HEX。

how the image's being saved图像的保存方式

Using original a file name使用原始文件名

Try to use file name provided by the IFormFile :尝试使用IFormFile提供的文件名:

public IActionResult Upload(UploadModel upload)
    var FileDic = "Files";

    string FilePath = Path.Combine(hostingEnv.WebRootPath, FileDic);

    if (!Directory.Exists(FilePath))
    foreach (var file in upload.File)
        var filePath = Path.Combine(FilePath, file.FileName);

        using (FileStream fs = System.IO.File.Create(filePath))

    return View("Index");

Because of the IFormFile contains file name with the file extension, you will not have problem with opening these.由于IFormFile包含带有文件扩展名的文件名,因此打开这些文件不会有问题。

Using serial numbers for a file name使用序列号作为文件名

If you want to use serial numbers for file name then it's necessary to extract the file extension form the file name provided by the IFormFile interface:如果要使用序列号作为文件名,则需要从IFormFile接口提供的文件名中提取文件扩展名:

public IActionResult Upload(UploadModel upload)
    var FileDic = "Files";

    string FilePath = Path.Combine(hostingEnv.WebRootPath, FileDic);

    if (!Directory.Exists(FilePath))

    int count = 0;
    foreach (var file in upload.File)
        var extension = Path.GetExtension(file.FileName);
        var filePath = Path.Combine(FilePath, (++count).ToString()+extension);

        using (FileStream fs = System.IO.File.Create(filePath))
    return View("Index");


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