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如何使用 python 从 Esri 导出图层

[英]how can i do to export layers from Esri with python

i try to join a text (an adress) with a list to have at final my list with the adress in fisrt like: paris street 1 paris street 2 etc so i try to do that with this script, but it' dont work.我尝试加入一个文本(地址)和一个列表,最终我的列表中包含第一个地址,例如:paris street 1 paris street 2 等,所以我尝试使用这个脚本来做到这一点,但它不起作用。

Can you help me?你能帮助我吗?

 targetPattern=r"C:\Users\**\AppData\Roaming\Esri\ArcGISPro\Favorites" target = glob.glob(targetPattern) print (target) joiend = [target,Rezo] for ready in joiend: # JOIN TARGET ready = (''.join([''.join(target),r'\Rezo_h@geom06.sde\rezo_h.geom04.REGIE_EAU_POTABLE'])) print (ready) arcpy.env.workspace = ready #list adress fcs = arcpy.ListFeatureClasses("rezo_h.geom04.AEP*") print (fcs) jointure = List.insert(ready, fcs) for ready2 in jointure: # JOIN TARGET ready2 = fcs.join(ready) print ("jointure") print (ready2)

to solve my problem i use为了解决我的问题,我使用

 x = [1, 2, 3] y = ["t" + str(i) for i in x] y ['t1', 't2', 't3']

and it work它工作

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