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如何在 android 9 中添加缺少的依赖项?

[英]How to add missing dependencies in android 9?

we are working in android pie BSP, while building the file we are getting some missing dependencies error but we added the missing libraries in vendor/lib folder that is externally compiled file.我们在 android pie BSP 中工作,在构建文件时,我们遇到了一些缺少依赖项的错误,但我们在外部编译文件的 vendor/lib 文件夹中添加了缺少的库。 is there any way to access the library or can anyone tell where to place the library to access?有什么方法可以访问图书馆,或者任何人都可以告诉图书馆在哪里可以访问吗?

The error is错误是

frameworks/base/cmds/simpletriangle_vivante-fb/Android.mk: error: simpletriangle_vivante-fb (EXECUTABLES android-arm) missing libEGL-fb (SHARED_LIBRARIES android-arm) 
You can set ALLOW_MISSING_DEPENDENCIES=true in your environment if this is intentional, but that may defer real problems until later in the build.
frameworks/base/cmds/simpletriangle_vivante-fb/Android.mk: error: simpletriangle_vivante-fb (EXECUTABLES android-arm) missing libGAL-fb (SHARED_LIBRARIES android-arm) 
You can set ALLOW_MISSING_DEPENDENCIES=true in your environment if this is intentional, but that may defer real problems until later in the build.
frameworks/base/cmds/simpletriangle_vivante-fb/Android.mk: error: simpletriangle_vivante-fb (EXECUTABLES android-arm) missing libGLESv2-fb (SHARED_LIBRARIES android-arm) 
You can set ALLOW_MISSING_DEPENDENCIES=true in your environment if this is intentional, but that may defer real problems until later in the build.

First, Make Sure that you have the latest hardware files.首先,确保您拥有最新的硬件文件。

You can ALLOW_MISSING_DEPENDENCIES=true in Your BoardConfig.mk您可以在BoardConfig.mkALLOW_MISSING_DEPENDENCIES=true

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