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[英]Changing the path of builtin datasets of Detectron2

I want to change the default path of builtin PASCAL VOC Dataset in Detectron2.我想更改 Detectron2 中内置 PASCAL VOC 数据集的默认路径。

According to the documentation,根据文档,

You can set the location for builtin datasets by export DETECTRON2_DATASETS=/path/to/datasets您可以通过 export DETECTRON2_DATASETS=/path/to/datasets 设置内置数据集的位置

I'm unable to understand where to place the above statement.我无法理解将上述声明放在哪里。

Any help would be appreciated.任何帮助,将不胜感激。


I met the same problem and the solution is simple following this .我遇到了同样的问题,解决方案很简单

First, in your terminal, import your customized dataset directory as env variable like this首先,在您的终端中,像这样将您的自定义数据集目录导入为环境变量

My@Host:/MaskFormer-main$ export DETECTRON2_DATASETS="/public/COCO2017"

Then, running your scripts of the maskformer然后,运行您的 maskformer 脚本

My@Host:/MaskFormer-main$ python train_net.py --num-gpus 1  --config-file xxxxxxx

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