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TypeScript - 将动态属性名称传递给子级

[英]TypeScript - Pass Dynamic Property Name to Children

I'm working on a routing library with nested routing where I'm trying to define a child handler function which infers the parent paths.我正在开发一个带有嵌套路由的路由库,我正在尝试定义一个子处理程序 function 来推断父路径。 The reason being is I have another type which can infer dynamic path parameters from a string (eg, users/:id to { id: string } );原因是我有另一种可以从字符串推断动态路径参数的类型(例如, users/:id{ id: string } ); so, I want to be able to pass down the inferred path parameters from parent routes to any and all child routes in each child's route handler function.因此,我希望能够将推断的路径参数从父路由传递到每个子路由处理程序 function 中的任何和所有子路由。

Here's what I have so far:这是我到目前为止所拥有的:

type RawRouterDefn<Namespace extends string = ""> = {
    [K: string]: Handler<Namespace, typeof K> | RawRouterDefn<`${Namespace}/${typeof K}`>;

type Handler<DataPath extends string, Path extends string> = ((args: { dataPath: DataPath, path: Path }) => unknown)

type Router<Routes extends RawRouterDefn, DataPath extends string = ""> = {
    [K in keyof Routes & string]: Routes[K] extends CallableFunction
        ? Handler<DataPath, K>
        : Router<Routes[K], `${DataPath}/${K}`>;

function createRouter<T extends RawRouterDefn>(rawDefn: T): Router<T, ""> {
    // Implementation not important right now
    return {} as unknown as Router<T, "">

const router = createRouter({
    some: {
        deeply: {
            nested: {
                 * Here, dataPath should be inferred as `some/deeply/nested`,
                 * path should be `route`
                route: ({ dataPath, path }) => {}

const route = router.some.deeply.nested.route;
// Correctly inferred **after** function applied, I need it within the router definition
type Params = Parameters<typeof route>[0]

(And the link to the playground) (以及游乐场的链接

I'm almost there, except dataPath should be inferred as /some/deeply/nested and not /${string}/${string}/${string} and path should be inferred as /route and not /${string} .我快到了,除了dataPath应该被推断为/some/deeply/nested而不是/${string}/${string}/${string}并且path应该被推断为/route而不是/${string} . This suggests to me there's something I'm missing in the RawRouterDefn type.这表明我在RawRouterDefn类型中缺少一些东西。

So it seems that I can correctly narrow the shape of the string, but no further with my current approach.所以看起来我可以正确地缩小字符串的形状,但我目前的方法没有进一步。

Again, I need it to be inferred when used as function arguments, not after.同样,当用作 function arguments 时,我需要推断它,而不是之后。

Quite close, just needed to do a little magic with the generics:非常接近,只需要用 generics 做一点魔法:

function createRouter<T extends RawRouterDefn, R extends Router<T, "">>(rawDefn: R): R {

And now it works: https://tsplay.dev/NDRE1W现在它可以工作了: https://tsplay.dev/NDRE1W

You need another generic to tell TypeScript that what you get in the function is exactly what you return.您需要另一个泛型来告诉 TypeScript 您在 function 中得到的正是您返回的。 Removing T extends RawRouterDefn and using R extends Router<RawRouterDefn, ""> breaks the inference, so uh, don't do it.删除T extends RawRouterDefn并使用R extends Router<RawRouterDefn, "">会破坏推理,所以,不要这样做。

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