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如何在 GCP 控制台中查看监控作业?

[英]How do I see monitoing jobs in GCP console?

I have created a monitoring job using create_model_deployment_monitoring_job .我使用create_model_deployment_monitoring_job创建了一个监控作业。 How do I view it in GCP Monitoring?如何在 GCP 监控中查看它?

I create the monitoring job thus:我因此创建了监视作业:

job = vertex_ai_beta.ModelDeploymentMonitoringJob(
response = job_client_beta.create_model_deployment_monitoring_job(
    parent=PARENT, model_deployment_monitoring_job=job


AI Platform Training supports two types of jobs: training and batch prediction. AI Platform Training 支持两种类型的作业:训练和批量预测。 The details for each are different, but the basic operation is the same.每个的细节都不同,但基本操作是相同的。 As you are using Vertex AI, you can check the job status in the Vertex AI dashboard.在使用 Vertex AI 时,您可以在 Vertex AI 仪表板中检查作业状态。 In GCP Console search for Vertex AI, enable API or click on this link and follow this Doc for Job status在 GCP Console 中搜索 Vertex AI,启用 API 或单击此链接并按照此文档查看作业状态

Then following this Link summarizes the job operations and lists the interfaces you can use to perform them and also to know more information about Jobs follow this link然后点击此链接总结了作业操作并列出了您可以用来执行它们的界面,并了解有关作业的更多信息,请点击此链接

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