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我们在哪里可以看到 GCP 控制台中每个 dataproc 集群的账单明细或产生的费用明细

[英]Where can we see the billing details or cost incurred details for each dataproc cluster in GCP console

I wanted to analyze the actual cost of each Dataproc cluster by having multiple machine types but I dont see any option to get the details of cost incurred of a single dataproc cluster in a GCP project Where can we see the billing details or cost incurred details for each dataproc cluster in GCP console?我想通过拥有多种机器类型来分析每个 Dataproc 集群的实际成本,但我没有看到任何选项来获取 GCP 项目中单个 Dataproc 集群产生的成本的详细信息我们在哪里可以看到账单明细或成本产生的详细信息GCP 控制台中的每个 dataproc 集群?

Dataproc on Compute Engine pricing is based on the size of Dataproc clusters and the duration of time that they run. Dataproc on Compute Engine定价基于 Dataproc 集群的大小和它们运行的持续时间。

The size of a cluster is based on the aggregate number of virtual CPUs (vCPUs) across the entire cluster, including the master and worker nodes.集群的大小基于整个集群(包括主节点和工作节点)的虚拟 CPU (vCPU) 的总数。 The duration of a cluster is the length of time between cluster creation and cluster stopping or deletion.集群的持续时间是集群创建和集群停止或删除之间的时间长度。

The Dataproc pricing formula is: $0.010 * # of vCPUs * hourly duration . Dataproc 定价公式为: $0.010 * # of vCPUs * hourly duration

Although the pricing formula is expressed as an hourly rate, Dataproc is billed by the second, and all Dataproc clusters are billed in one-second clock-time increments, subject to a 1-minute minimum billing.尽管定价公式表示为小时费率,但 Dataproc 按秒计费,并且所有 Dataproc 集群都按一秒的时钟时间增量计费,最低计费时间为 1 分钟。 Usage is stated in fractional hours (for example, 30 minutes is expressed as 0.5 hours) in order to apply hourly pricing to second-by-second use.使用情况以小数小时表示(例如,30 分钟表示为 0.5 小时),以便将按小时定价应用于按秒使用。

The Dataproc on GKE pricing formula, $0.010 * # of vCPUs * hourly duration , is the same as the Dataproc on Compute Engine pricing formula, and is applied to the aggregate number of virtual CPUs running in VMs instances in Dataproc-created node pools in the cluster. Dataproc on GKE定价公式, $0.010 * # of vCPUs * hourly duration ,与 Dataproc on Compute Engine 定价公式相同,适用于在Dataproc 创建的节点池中的虚拟机实例中运行的虚拟 CPU 总数簇。 The duration of a virtual machine instance is the length of time from its creation to its deletion.虚拟机实例的持续时间是从创建到删除的时间长度。

As with Dataproc on Compute Engine, Dataproc on GKE is billed by the second, subject to a 1-minute minimum billing per virtual machine instance.与 Compute Engine 上的 Dataproc 一样,GKE 上的 Dataproc 按秒计费,每个虚拟机实例的最低计费时间为 1 分钟。 Other Google Cloud charges are applied in addition to Dataproc charges.除了 Dataproc 费用外,还会收取其他 Google Cloud 费用。

Dataproc-created node pools continue to exist after deletion of the Dataproc cluster since they may be shared by multiple clusters. Dataproc 创建的节点池在删除 Dataproc 集群后继续存在,因为它们可能由多个集群共享。 If you delete the node pools or scale node pools down to zero instances, continued Dataproc charges will not be incurred.如果您删除节点池或将节点池缩减为零个实例,则不会继续产生 Dataproc 费用。 Any remaining node pool VMs will continue to incur charges until you delete them.任何剩余的节点池虚拟机将继续产生费用,直到您删除它们。

For more information you can refer to this document .有关详细信息,您可以参考此文档

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