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使用 GKE 内部负载均衡器的 Strimzi Kafka 设置

[英]Strimzi Kafka setup with GKE internal loadbalancer

Followed https://strimzi.io/quickstarts/ and https://strimzi.io/blog/2019/05/13/accessing-kafka-part-4/ to use GKE internal loadbalancer with Strimzi.按照 https://strimzi.io/quickstarts/https://strimzi.io/blog/2019/05/13/accessing-kafka-part-4/使用 GKE 内部负载均衡器和 Strimzi。 After adding the internal load balancer Strimzi provisioned two loadbalancer service with external IP.添加内部负载均衡器后,Strimzi 使用外部 IP 配置了两个负载均衡器服务。

Kafka % k get svc -n kafka
NAME                                  TYPE           CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP    PORT(S)                               AGE
my-cluster-kafka-0                    LoadBalancer   xx.xxx.xx.xxx   bb.bb.bbb.bb   9094:30473/TCP                        3d1h
my-cluster-kafka-bootstrap            ClusterIP      xx.xxx.xx.xxx   <none>         9091/TCP,9092/TCP,9093/TCP            25d
my-cluster-kafka-brokers              ClusterIP      None            <none>         9090/TCP,9091/TCP,9092/TCP,9093/TCP   25d
my-cluster-kafka-external-bootstrap   LoadBalancer   xx.xxx.xx.xxx   aa.aa.aaa.aa   9094:30002/TCP                        3d1h
my-cluster-zookeeper-client           ClusterIP      xx.xxx.xx.xxx   <none>         2181/TCP                              25d
my-cluster-zookeeper-nodes            ClusterIP      None            <none>         2181/TCP,2888/TCP,3888/TCP            25d

The producer/consumer flow is working inside the cluster using my-cluster-kafka-bootstrap and I can also curl the my-cluster-kafka-external-bootstrap addess aa.aa.aaa.aa:9094 from outside the cluster.生产者/消费者流程使用my-cluster-kafka-bootstrap在集群内部工作,我也可以从集群外部 curl my-cluster-kafka-external-bootstrap addess aa.aa.aaa.aa:9094 However after producing to aa.aa.aaa.aa:9094 from outside the cluster my producer logged the error below.但是,在从集群外部生产到aa.aa.aaa.aa:9094后,我的生产者记录了以下错误。

Connection to node 0 (bb.bb.bbb.bb:9094) could not be established. Broker may not be available.

which seem to indicate my-cluster-kafka-external-bootstrap is forwarding the traffic to my-cluster-kafka-0 .这似乎表明my-cluster-kafka-external-bootstrap正在将流量转发到my-cluster-kafka-0 And per kubectl get svc -o yaml output only my-cluster-kafka-external-bootstrap was setup as a GKE internal LB.每个kubectl get svc -o yaml output 只有my-cluster-kafka-external-bootstrap设置为 GKE 内部 LB。 Since there are various firewall rules in our enviroment I suspect that my-cluster-kafka-0 needs to be set up as a GKE internal LB as well for the producer to work.由于我们的环境中有各种防火墙规则,我怀疑my-cluster-kafka-0也需要设置为 GKE 内部 LB,生产者才能正常工作。 Does this seem to be the issue?这似乎是问题吗? How do I update Strimzi to make both LB internal?如何更新 Strimzi 以使两个 LB 都在内部? Thanks.谢谢。

A relevant question before Strimzi kafka accessing it privately with in GKE . Strimzi kafka 在 GKE 中私下访问它之前的一个相关问题。 But it didn't help after I turn off tls.但是在我关闭 tls 后它没有帮助。

Answering own question.回答自己的问题。 Appearntly Strimzi provision one LB per broker which is the my-cluster-kafka-0 here.显然,Strimzi 为每个经纪人提供了一个 LB,这里是my-cluster-kafka-0 The listener config can specify these per broker LBs like this https://strimzi.io/blog/2019/05/13/accessing-kafka-part-4/侦听器配置可以为每个代理 LB 指定这些,例如https://strimzi.io/blog/2019/05/13/accessing-kafka-part-4/

# ...
  # ...
  - name: external
    port: 9094
    type: loadbalancer
    tls: true
      type: tls
          service.beta.kubernetes.io/openstack-internal-load-balancer: "true"
      - broker: 0
          service.beta.kubernetes.io/openstack-internal-load-balancer: "true"
      - broker: 1
          service.beta.kubernetes.io/openstack-internal-load-balancer: "true"
      - broker: 2
          service.beta.kubernetes.io/openstack-internal-load-balancer: "true"
# ...

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