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如何使用 Python 的 pathlib 获取给定未知位置父级的相对路径?

[英]How to get relative path given a parent of unknown location with Python's pathlib?

with pathlib.Path.relative_to we can get relative paths with:使用pathlib.Path.relative_to我们可以获得相对路径:

>>> from pathlib import Path
>>> Path("/path/to/foo/bar/thing").relative_to("/path/to/foo")

But what if i don't know the exact path of the parent directory (but i do know its name)?但是如果我不知道父目录的确切路径(但我知道它的名字)怎么办?

for example:例如:

  • Path("/path/to/foo/bar/thing") relative to "foo" => PosixPath('bar/thing') Path("/path/to/foo/bar/thing")相对于"foo" => PosixPath('bar/thing')
  • Path("/path/to/foo/bar/thing") relative to "to" => PosixPath('foo/bar/thing') Path("/path/to/foo/bar/thing")相对于"to" => PosixPath('foo/bar/thing')
  • Path("/another_path/to/foo/bar/thing") relative to "foo" => PosixPath('bar/thing') Path("/another_path/to/foo/bar/thing")相对于"foo" => PosixPath('bar/thing')

how do i get a relative path relative to an arbitrary parent directory like this?我如何获得相对于这样的任意父目录的相对路径?


p = Path("/path/to/foo/bar/thing")
relative_to = 'foo'


relative_p = Path(*p.parts[p.parts.index(relative_to) + 1:])

Essentially, we grab the parts of the path, find the index of relative_to and slice those parts using that index.本质上,我们抓取路径的各个部分,找到relative_to的索引并使用该索引对这些部分进行切片。 Then we pass the sliced parts back to the Path() constructor to get back our relative path.然后我们将切片的部分传递回Path()构造函数以取回我们的相对路径。

Another option另外的选择

import os
relative_p = Path(str(p).split(f'{os.sep}{relative_to}{os.sep}', maxsplit=1)[-1])

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