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使用 GCP 代理请求的最佳方式是什么?

[英]What's the best way to proxy requests with GCP?

What is the best way to proxy requests with GCP, eg to hide secrets.使用 GCP 代理请求的最佳方式是什么,例如隐藏秘密。 Is it by making use of GCP API-Gateway which spawns a Load Balancer or by using a Load Balancer directly.是通过使用生成负载均衡器的 GCP API 网关还是直接使用负载均衡器。 Or are there any other ways?或者还有其他方法吗?

A sample request to "transform" might be: “转换”的示例请求可能是:

Client -> XXX (API-Gateway / Load Balancer)  -> External Service

       -> https://api.xxx.com/xxx            -> https://api.xxx.com/xxx?secret=secret

Or is the most simple and most cost efficient way to spawn a GCP function to proxy requests?或者是生成 GCP function 以代理请求的最简单且最具成本效益的方法?

The way that I can recommend is the Signed URL .我可以推荐的方式是Signed URL Wherein you can use the URL prefixes for signed URL. If you used load balancer, signedkey is the one we can use to append URL.其中签名URL可以使用URL前缀。如果使用负载均衡器,signedkey就是我们可以使用的append URL。

However, on this feature we should consider the limitation of this service where there is a time limit using this feature.但是,对于此功能,我们应该考虑使用此功能有时间限制的此服务的限制。 To know more about this feature you can check this link .要了解有关此功能的更多信息,您可以查看此链接 If there are other recommendations please feel free to edit this post.如果还有其他建议,请随时编辑此帖子。

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