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有什么方法可以在 UI 中命名 Vertex Pipelines 组件

[英]Is there any way to name Vertex Pipelines components in the UI

The Vertex Pipelines UI uses component name with numeric suffix as the default name in the UI. Vertex Pipelines UI 使用带有数字后缀的组件名称作为 UI 中的默认名称。 Is this customizable?这是可定制的吗?

For a regular step, you can use .set_display_name('foo') .对于常规步骤,您可以使用.set_display_name('foo') Reference: https://kubeflow-pipelines.readthedocs.io/en/master/source/dsl.html#kfp.dsl.PipelineTask.set_display_name参考: https://kubeflow-pipelines.readthedocs.io/en/master/source/dsl.html#kfp.dsl.PipelineTask.set_display_name

For parallelFor , you can do the following (KFP SDK V2.0+ only)对于parallelFor ,您可以执行以下操作(仅限 KFP SDK V2.0+)

with dsl.ParallelFor([], name='bar') as yv: 

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