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Windows toast 未在一台机器上显示,但在其他几台机器上工作

[英]Windows toast is not shown on one machine but works on several others

I use Toast++ from PJ Naughter.我使用 PJ Naughter 的 Toast++。 This works perfect on 99% of all machines.这在 99% 的机器上都能完美运行。

But I have one machine, where the Windows toasts don't pop up.但是我有一台机器,不会弹出 Windows toasts。 Other applications like DropBox and Outlook show the notification toasts. DropBox 和 Outlook 等其他应用程序显示通知消息。

I inserted TRACE messages and I can see with DebugView that all calls to Show the toast succeed.我插入了 TRACE 消息,我可以通过 DebugView 看到所有对 Show the toast 的调用都成功了。 So there must be something in the notification center, that blocks my messages.所以通知中心一定有什么东西,阻止了我的消息。

Even in the list of applications in the System Settings doesn't show up.即使在系统设置中的应用程序列表中也没有显示出来。

I searched the registry for the used Application User Model ID MySoftware.MyApp.Main but I can't find any entry in the registry.我在注册表中搜索了使用过的应用程序用户 Model ID MySoftware.MyApp.Main ,但我在注册表中找不到任何条目。 The HKCU entry doesn't contain an entry. HKCU 条目不包含条目。

Any further hints that can lead me to the problem, or the reason, why the Windows toasts are blocked?任何进一步的提示都可以引导我解决问题,或者为什么 Windows toast 被阻止的原因?

The problem was that the AUMI entry under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\AppUserModelId\ was missing.问题是HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\AppUserModelId\下的 AUMI 条目丢失了。

Should have been created by the setup, but for some reasons it was deleted or never created at the customer.应该由安装程序创建,但由于某些原因它被删除或从未在客户处创建。

Without this entry no toasts are shown and the application is missing in the system settings list for the windows information center.如果没有此条目,则不会显示 toast,并且 windows 信息中心的系统设置列表中会缺少该应用程序。

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