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[英]Linker errors with ADODB exist in one project on one machine, but not others

We have a large solution (195 projects) and on one of the projects I'm getting 17 linker errors (LNK2001 and LNK2019), however the source is checked out from subversion and nobody else on the team gets these errors. 我们有一个大型解决方案(195个项目),在一个项目中,我遇到17个链接器错误(LNK2001和LNK2019),但是从subversion检出了源,并且团队中没有其他人得到这些错误。 I've already verified that the project properties match up between computers, the only significant difference I know of is that I'm the only one on Windows 7 32-bit. 我已经验证了项目属性在计算机之间是否匹配,我知道的唯一重要区别是,我是Windows 7 32位系统上的唯一计算机。

All of the errors are in relation to methods with ADODB::_ConnectionPtr pConnection as the first parameter, if I take this out then the errors go away. 所有错误均与使用ADODB::_ConnectionPtr pConnection作为第一个参数的方法有关,如果我将其删除,则错误会消失。

I'm confused since this is the only machine having problems building the project, so I imagine no definitions need to be added to get this to work. 我很困惑,因为这是唯一一个在构建项目时遇到问题的机器,因此我想不需要添加任何定义就可以使它起作用。 There are other projects in this solution with similar ADODB::_ConnectionPtr method parameters that are compiling properly on my machine. 此解决方案中还有其他项目,它们具有类似的ADODB::_ConnectionPtr方法参数,可以在我的计算机上正确编译。

Any help is appreciated. 任何帮助表示赞赏。

Turns out the project properties in VS2005 didn't reflect the individual file properties. 事实证明,VS2005中的项目属性未反映单个文件的属性。 I had _MAKE_ADO_IMPORT_ as a preprocessor definition for the project, but it only showed up in 9 of the 12 cpp file properties. 我使用_MAKE_ADO_IMPORT_作为该项目的预处理程序定义,但它仅显示在12个cpp文件属性中的9个中。 I individually added it as a preprocessor definition to each file and the linker errors suddenly disappeared. 我单独将它作为预处理器定义添加到每个文件中,链接器错误突然消失了。

What confuses me more is the fact that this was checked out of subversion and was not the same on other developers' machines. 更让我感到困惑的是,这一事实是从Subversion签出的,并且在其他开发人员的机器上也不一样。


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