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[英]string random characters in a for loop

Im having trouble with the following code while trying to make a random password generator.我在尝试制作随机密码生成器时遇到以下代码的问题。 The first two lines seem to be working as intended.前两行似乎按预期工作。 I confirmed this with the following:我通过以下内容确认了这一点:

If I replace the "passwordText = passwordText.concat(character:" with "console.log(character)" it works in the console. Picks a random char from an array and will console log it the desired amount of times.如果我将“passwordText = passwordText.concat(character:”) 替换为“console.log(character)”,它会在控制台中工作。从数组中选择一个随机字符,并将控制台记录它所需的次数。

However, on line 3 I'm trying to concat these random chars into one string.但是,在第 3 行,我试图将这些随机字符连接成一个字符串。 Any ideas?有任何想法吗? I'm getting a TypeError: Cannot read property 'concat'.我收到类型错误:无法读取属性“concat”。 All variables are declared.声明所有变量。

for (var i = 0; i < inputLength; i++) {
  character = finalCriteria[Math.floor(Math.random() * finalCriteria.length)];
  passwordText = passwordText.concat(character);

passwordText = passwordText.concat(character); passwordText = passwordText.concat(字符);

I would appreciate any guidance on this.我将不胜感激这方面的任何指导。 Many thanks, Steven.非常感谢,史蒂文。

PS.附言。 This is my first week with JS, go easy on me: :)这是我使用 JS 的第一周,go 对我来说很简单::)

strings don't have a concat method unlike arrays. What you need is += :与 arrays 不同,字符串没有concat方法。您需要的是+=

  passwordText += character;

Edit: concat not push编辑: concatpush

Thanks everyone for your help.谢谢大家的帮助。 Below worked.下面工作。 I also give password text a value as mentioned by caTS.我还给密码文本一个 caTS 提到的值。

// function to return the password 
function generatePassword() {
  for (var i = 0; i < charLength; i++) {
    passwordText += finalCriteria[Math.floor(Math.random() * finalCriteria.length)];
  } return passwordText  

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