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注释视图的标注在 macOS(Mac-catalyst) 应用程序中被截断

[英]Callout for annotation view is cut-off in macOS(Mac-catalyst) app

I am having an issue with annotation view which is shown on Map view.我在 Map 视图上显示的注释视图有问题。

The call out view on clicking on pin does not showing full address text.单击 pin 时的调出视图不显示完整的地址文本。

Reference Image参考图片


This is working in iOS but not working in Mac catalyst app.这在 iOS 中有效,但在 Mac 催化剂应用程序中无效。

Please help if anyone have any idea.如果有人有任何想法,请提供帮助。

Thanks all.谢谢大家。

You are using MKPinAnnotationView which is deprecated.您正在使用已弃用的MKPinAnnotationView

Please switch to MKMarkerAnnotationView .请切换到MKMarkerAnnotationView The new class has many advantages.新的 class 有很多优点。

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