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[英]How to Fix 'Each child should have a unique key prop?

Hi everyone I would like to display for each element all of its sub-documents.大家好,我想为每个元素显示其所有子文档。

  <div><ul>{designModdulles.map((designModdulle)=><li key={designModdulle.epreuves.nature_epreuve}>{designModdulle.epreuves.nature_epreuve}</li>) }</ul></div>
I wanted the sub documents to be displayed` in a map
but i had: Warning: Each child in a list should have a unique "key" prop.

Assuming this is JavaScript, the cause of the issue is that there are duplicate key values.假设这是 JavaScript,问题的原因是存在重复的key You can use the index of each map entry to create a new key您可以使用每个映射条目的索引来创建一个新键

<div><ul>{designModdulles.map((designModdulle, index)=><li key={designModdulle.epreuves.nature_epreuve + index}>{designModdulle.epreuves.nature_epreuve}</li>) }</ul></div>

You may want to look at the following to see what your choices are (there are other resources as well): https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/map您可能想查看以下内容以了解您的选择(还有其他资源): https ://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/map

the problem of the key is resolved, but nothing is displayed in the key的问题解决了,但是里面没有任何显示

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  • hello everyone here is the solution:大家好这里是解决方案:

    <ul><li>{designModdulles.map((item,index)=>(<div key={index}>{item.epreuves.map((c, i)=>(<div key={i}>
           <h3>{c.code_epreuve}</h3><Button>Insérer notes</Button><Button>Supprimer</Button> </div>) )}</div>))}</li></ul>

    thank you谢谢你


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