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如何传递多个参数以在 Rails 中渲染?

[英]How to pass more than one parameters to render in rails?

Below is my review.html.erb:以下是我的评论.html.erb:

<% provide(:title, 'All reviews') %>
<h1>All reviews</h1>

<ol class="reviews">
  <%= render @reviews %>
<%= will_paginate @reviews %>

And my _review.html.erb looks like:我的 _review.html.erb 看起来像:

   <p>Student: <%= Student.find(review.student_id).name%></p>
   <p>Score: <%= review.score%></p>
   <p>Review: <%= review.review%></p>
   <p>Created at: <%= review.created_at%></p>

How can I pass @students as well to render for example?例如,我怎样才能通过@students 来渲染?

I tried <%= render @reviews, @students %> in review.html.erb and我在 review.html.erb 中尝试了 <%= render @reviews, @students %> 和

Student: <%= student.name%>学生:<%= student.name%>

in _review.html.erb. 在 _review.html.erb 中。 It didn't work. 它没有用。

You don't actually need to pass multiple parameters.您实际上不需要传递多个参数。 You just need to setup the assocations between reviews and students:您只需要设置评论和学生之间的关联:

class Student < ApplicationRecord
  has_many :reviews

class Review < ApplicationRecord
  belongs_to :student
  # optional but avoids a law of demeter violation
  delegate :name, to: :student, prefix: true
   <p>Student: <%= review.student_name %></p>
   <p>Score: <%= review.score %></p>
   <p>Review: <%= review.review %></p>
   <p>Created at: <%= review.created_at %></p>

To avoid a N+1 query issue you should use includes or eager_load to load the student with the reviews:为避免 N+1 查询问题,您应该使用includeseager_load为学生加载评论:

@reviews = Review.includes(:student)

If you do actually want to pass additional arguments when rendering a collection (which isn't needed here) you do it with local assigns:如果您确实想在呈现集合时传递额外的 arguments(此处不需要),您可以使用本地分配来完成:

<%= render @reviews, locals: { foo: 'bar' } %>

This will be available in the partial as foo or local_assigns(:foo) .这将在部分中以foolocal_assigns(:foo)的形式提供。

  • Reivew table and students are related Reivew表和students是相关的

In _review.html.erb , you don't need use Student.find(review.student_id)_review.html.erb中,您不需要使用Student.find(review.student_id)

   <p>Student: <%= review.student&.name%></p> // changed

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