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是否可以访问 DJI Mavic 的相机视频并在外部设备上实时处理?

[英]Is it possible to access DJI Mavic's camera video and process it realtime on the external device?

I want to realtime process video that captures DJI Mavic using onboard NVidia Jetson module.我想使用板载 NVidia Jetson 模块实时处理捕获 DJI Mavic 的视频。 Is it possible to use video data in external device?是否可以在外部设备中使用视频数据? How to access it?如何访问它?

There are two options:有两种选择:

  1. Turn on a video stream, grab it in external device (for example, via openCV), then process.打开视频 stream,在外部设备中抓取它(例如,通过 openCV),然后进行处理。 Since you have cv::Mat object for each frame you can do anything.由于每一帧都有 cv::Mat object,所以你可以做任何事情。 For video streaming setup you can use this .对于视频流设置,您可以使用. To open video stream in opencv you should create a Video Capture with RTMP address as parameter.要在 opencv 中打开视频 stream,您应该使用 RTMP 地址作为参数创建一个Video Capture
  2. Grab raw frames data from camera using DJI SDK. Now you can decode them either via SDK using your device's GPU or send raw data to your external device over TCP or whatever you like and then decode.使用 DJI SDK 从相机获取原始帧数据。现在您可以使用设备的 GPU 通过 SDK 解码它们,或者通过 TCP 或任何您喜欢的方式将原始数据发送到外部设备,然后解码。 After decoding you can process each frame in your needs.解码后,您可以根据需要处理每一帧。 Starting point for this approach.这种方法的起点

If you need more in-depth information or have any questions feel free to ask.如果您需要更深入的信息或有任何问题,请随时提出。

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