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使用 de Boor 算法的 NURBS 导数

[英]NURBS derivative using de Boor's algorithm

At the bottom of De Boor's Algorithm , it is said that德布尔算法的底部,据说

De Boor's algorithm also works for NURBS curves. De Boor 算法也适用于 NURBS 曲线。 We just multiply every control point by its weight converting the NURBS curve to a 4D B-spline curve, perform de Boor's algorithm on this 4D B-spline curve, and then project the resulting curve back by dividing the first three components with the fourth and keeping the fourth component as its new weight.我们只需将每个控制点乘以其权重,将 NURBS 曲线转换为 4D B 样条曲线,在该 4D B 样条曲线上执行 de Boor 算法,然后通过将前三个分量除以第四个和保留第四个分量作为它的新权重。

Then modifying the code from B-Spline derivative using de Boor's algorithm , I came up with the following.然后使用 de Boor 算法修改 B-Spline 导数的代码,我想出了以下内容。

import numpy as np
import math as m

weights = [0.3, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0.5, 1, 1, 3, 1]

def deBoor(k, x, t, c_, p): 
    c = []
    for point, w in zip(c_, weights):
        c.append([point[0]*w, point[1]*w, point[2]*w, w]) 
    c = np.array(c)

    d = [c[j + k - p] for j in range(0, p+1)]
    for r in range(1, p+1):
        for j in range(p, r-1, -1):
            alpha = (x - t[j+k-p]) / (t[j+1+k-r] - t[j+k-p])
            d[j] = (1.0 - alpha) * d[j-1] + alpha * d[j]
    return np.array([
        d[p][0] / d[p][3],
        d[p][1] / d[p][3],
        d[p][2] / d[p][3]

def deBoorDerivative(k, x, t, c_, p): 
    c = []
    for point, w in zip(c_, weights):
        c.append([point[0]*w, point[1]*w, point[2]*w, w]) 
    c = np.array(c)

    q = [p * (c[j+k-p+1] - c[j+k-p]) / (t[j+k+1] - t[j+k-p+1]) for j in range(0, p)] 

    for r in range(1, p): 
        for j in range(p-1, r-1, -1):
            right = j+1+k-r
            left = j+k-(p-1)
            alpha = (x - t[left]) / (t[right] - t[left])
            q[j] = (1.0 - alpha) * q[j-1] + alpha * q[j]

    return np.array([
        q[p-1][0] / q[p-1][3],
        q[p-1][1] / q[p-1][3],
        q[p-1][2] / q[p-1][3]

def finiteDifferenceDerivative(k, x, t, c, p): 
    f = lambda xx : deBoor(k, xx, t, c, p)
    dx = 1e-7
    return (- f(x + 2 * dx) \
            + 8 * f(x + dx) \
            - 8 * f(x - dx) \
            + f(x - 2 * dx)) / ( 12 * dx )

points = np.array([[i, m.sin(i / 3.0), m.cos(i / 2)] for i in range(0, 11)])
knots = np.array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0])

a = deBoorDerivative(7, 0.44, knots, points, 3)
b = finiteDifferenceDerivative(7, 0.44, knots, points, 3)


Although the derivative calculated from finite difference is not the same as the one when using deboors algorithm.虽然从有限差分计算的导数与使用 deboors 算法时的导数不同。

[ 9.125       1.02221755 -2.22839545]
[16.85238398  0.14138772 -5.90135073]

Solved it.解决了。 This computes the derivative (velocity) and the position (point) at t at once using deboors algorithm, (written in C).这会使用 deboors 算法(用 C 语言编写)一次计算t处的导数(速度)和 position(点)。

typedef struct vec3 { double x, y, z;    } vec3_t;
typedef struct vec4 { double x, y, z, w; } vec4_t;

vec4_t vec4homo  (vec3_t u, double w) { return (vec4_t){u.x * w,   u.y * w,   u.z * w,   w        }; }
vec4_t vec4add   (vec4_t u, vec4_t v) { return (vec4_t){u.x + v.x, u.y + v.y, u.z + v.z, u.w + v.w}; }
vec4_t vec4sub   (vec4_t u, vec4_t v) { return (vec4_t){u.x - v.x, u.y - v.y, u.z - v.z, u.w - v.w}; }
vec4_t vec4mul   (vec4_t u, double s) { return (vec4_t){u.x * s,   u.y * s,   u.z * s,   u.w * s  }; }
vec4_t vec4div   (vec4_t u, double s) { return (vec4_t){u.x / s,   u.y / s,   u.z / s,   u.w / s  }; }
vec3_t vec4trunc (vec4_t u)           { return (vec3_t){u.x,       u.y,       u.z                 }; }
vec3_t vecadd    (vec3_t u, vec3_t v) { return (vec3_t){u.x + v.x, u.y + v.y, u.z + v.z};    }
vec3_t vecsub    (vec3_t u, vec3_t v) { return (vec3_t){u.x - v.x, u.y - v.y, u.z - v.z};    }
vec3_t vecmul    (vec3_t u, double s) { return (vec3_t){u.x * s,   u.y * s,   u.z * s  };    }
vec3_t vecdiv    (vec3_t u, double s) { return (vec3_t){u.x / s,   u.y / s,   u.z / s  };    }

typedef struct pv {
    vec3_t position;
    vec3_t velocity;
} pv_t;

typedef struct nurbs {
    vec3_t P[100];
    double w[100];
    double U[100];
    int    p;
    int    m;
    int    n;
} nurbs_t;

int findspan(double* U, double t, int n, int p) {
    if(t >= U[n]) { return n - 1; }
    if(t <= U[p]) { return p;     }
    int low  = p;
    int high = n;
    int mid  = (low + high) / 2;
    while(t < U[mid] || t >= U[mid+1]) {
        if(t < U[mid]) { high = mid; }
        else           { low  = mid; }
        mid = (low + high) / 2;
    return mid;

pv_t nurbs_deboor(double t, nurbs_t* func) {
    vec3_t* P = func->P;
    double* U = func->U;
    double* w = func->w;
    int p     = func->p;
    int m     = func->m;
    int n     = func->n;

    int k = findspan(U, t, n, p);
    vec4_t d[30];
    vec4_t q[30];
    for(int i = 0; i < p + 1; i++) {
        d[i] = vec4homo(P[i+k-p], w[i+k-p]);
        if(!(i < p)) { continue; }
        q[i] = vec4mul(vec4sub(vec4homo(P[i+k-p+1], w[i+k-p+1]), vec4homo(P[i+k-p], w[i+k-p])), p);
        q[i] = vec4div(q[i], U[i+k+1] - U[i+k-p+1]);
    for(int r = 1; r < p + 1; r++) {
        for(int j = p; j > r - 1; j--) {
            double alpha = (t - U[j+k-p]) / (U[j+1+k-r] - U[j+k-p]);
            d[j]  = vec4add(vec4mul(d[j-1], 1.0-alpha), vec4mul(d[j], alpha));
            if(!(r < p && j < p)) { continue; }
            alpha = (t - U[j+k-p+1]) / (U[j+1+k-r] - U[j+k-p+1]);
            q[j]  = vec4add(vec4mul(q[j-1], 1.0-alpha), vec4mul(q[j], alpha));
    pv_t pv;
    pv.position = vecdiv(vec4trunc(d[p]), d[p].w);
    pv.velocity = vecdiv(vecsub(vec4trunc(q[p-1]), vecmul(pv.position, q[p-1].w)), d[p].w);
    return pv;

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