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[英]Conditionally apply string modifier method

Is it possible to conditionally apply a string modifier method such as .toLowerCase() in a more clever method than doing:是否有可能有条件地应用字符串修饰符方法,例如.toLowerCase()更聪明的方法:

const text = 'ThIs Is SoMe TeXt';
const maybeConvert = (text, toLower = false) => {
    return toLower ? text.toLowerCase() : text;

You can do something like this if you only want to do something if condition is true and don't wanna do anything if it's false如果你只想在条件为真时做某事而在条件为假时不想做任何事情,你可以做这样的事情

  const text = 'ThIs Is SoMe TeXt';
    const maybeConvert = (text, condition) => {
     return condition  && text.toLowerCase();

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