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[英]Why "+=" operator not works when more than one string is added?

when I'm trying to concatenate a string variable with more than one string with this operator(+=) it rises an error.当我尝试使用此运算符 (+=) 连接一个字符串变量与多个字符串时,它会引发错误。

NOTE: The other two strings should not be stored in a variable.注意:其他两个字符串不应存储在变量中。

string str="hello";
str = str + " " + "world";
cout << str << endl;    //hello world
str += " " + "world";
cout << str;            //error              //why?
                        //*but in java it works*

Because you're trying to add two string literals.因为您要添加两个字符串文字。 The expression:表达方式:

" " + "world"

in C++ is of type在 C++ 是类型

const char* + const char*

const char* has no overloaded operator+. const char*没有重载的 operator+。 But standard strings do overload operator+ for addition with string literals, eg:但是标准字符串确实会重载 operator+ 以与字符串文字相加,例如:

operator+(std::string const& lhs, const char *rhs);

and that's why your first expression succeeds: the str object gets the ball rolling:这就是您的第一个表达式成功的原因: str object 让球滚动:

str + " " + "World" 
= std::string + const char* + const char*
= std::string + const char*
= std::string

to make it work use让它工作使用

str += " world"
// or
str += std::string(" ") + "world";
// the last one is to better explain what's going on,

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