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我的共享主机上的每个帖子请求都出现 503 服务不可用

[英]503 Service Unavailable on every post request on my shared hosting

Can someone please help me with my problem im struggeling with for the past day.有人可以帮我解决我过去一天苦苦挣扎的问题吗?

It all worked normal a few days ago, but since yesterday everytime i try to send a contact form or i try to login my cms几天前一切正常,但从昨天开始,每次我尝试发送联系表格或尝试登录我的 cms

i get this errorlog我得到这个错误日志

"Service Unavailable The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later. “服务不可用由于维护停机或容量问题,服务器暂时无法为您的请求提供服务。请稍后再试。

Additionally, a 304 Not Modified error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request."此外,在尝试使用 ErrorDocument 处理请求时遇到了 304 Not Modified 错误。”

Im working with a Laravel project我正在处理一个 Laravel 项目

enter image description here在此处输入图像描述

I've tried to install composer again but that didnt workout我尝试再次安装作曲家,但没有成功

The error HTTP 503 service unavailable occurs due to the following reasons.出现错误HTTP 503服务不可用的原因如下。

  1. IF the web server is not available or down.如果 web 服务器不可用或已关闭。
  2. IF servers resources(RAM, CPU) get to high.如果服务器资源(RAM、CPU)变高。
  3. If there is an attack on the site.如果网站受到攻击。

To resolve this, first, you can reboot the server, so if resources get high, it can be normal again for some time, and you can find if there is an attack on the site.解决这个问题,首先可以重启服务器,这样如果资源变高了,可以恢复正常一段时间,可以发现站点是否被攻击了。

Also, you can check the event-viewers log if the IIS service is unavailable or get the causing issue-related log from the event viewer.此外,如果 IIS 服务不可用,您可以检查事件查看器日志,或者从事件查看器中获取与导致问题相关的日志。

The error HTTP 304 Not Modified indicates that the requested resources have not been modified since the last time you accessed them (Web page files etc...).错误 HTTP 304 Not Modified 表示请求的资源自上次访问后未被修改(网页文件等...)。

Generally, Search engines such as google, yahoo are responsible for indexing and caching websites.通常,google、yahoo 等搜索引擎负责对网站进行索引和缓存。 So this issue can usually be traced back to the browser used to access the site.所以这个问题通常可以追溯到用于访问该站点的浏览器。

Below are the methods you can use to resolve this.以下是您可以用来解决此问题的方法。

  1. Clear the Browser's Cache Data清除浏览器的缓存数据
  2. Run a Malware Scan运行恶意软件扫描
  3. Disable Your Browser's Extensions禁用浏览器的扩展
  4. Flush the DNS and Reset the TCP/IP刷新 DNS 并重置 TCP/IP
  5. Try Using the Google Public DNS尝试使用谷歌公共 DNS
  6. Check Your Server Configuration Files for Incorrect Redirect Instructions检查您的服务器配置文件是否有不正确的重定向指令

Hope this will help;)希望这会有所帮助;)

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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