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使用 celery 的 rabitmq 消费者中的通道名称

[英]name of channel in rabitmq consumer using celery

I have setup, where we are using celery and RabbitMQ to schedule our task based on data.我有设置,我们使用celeryRabbitMQ根据数据安排我们的任务。

When we create multiple consumer to same queue, it create bindings and web portal shows the consumer IP in channel column.当我们为同一个队列创建多个消费者时,它会创建bindings并且 Web 门户在channel列中显示消费者 IP。


Its hard to find the consumer based on IP:PORT .很难根据IP:PORT找到consumer Is there any way in celery configuration, where we can give the name of these channel?在芹菜配置中有什么方法可以给这些频道起名字吗? by which we know, which host or machine consume this message.我们知道,哪个主机或机器使用了这条消息。

If you want the host name, is there a reason why you cannot just use如果您想要主机名,是否有理由不能只使用


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