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[英]Javascript proxy for nested object (apply for all function calls)

I'm looking for away to use a proxy on a nested object. In this example I would like to add 1 in my proxy for the result of every function call in that object. How would I go about this, since I can't use apply on the testobj directly.我正在寻找在嵌套的 object 上使用代理。在这个例子中,我想在我的代理中为 object 中每个 function 调用的结果添加 1。我将如何处理 go,因为我不能直接在 testobj 上使用 apply 。 Thanks for any input.感谢您的任何输入。

const testObj = {
  add: (a: number, b: number) => a + b,
  subtract: (a: number, b: number) => a - b,
  multiply: (a: number, b: number) => a * b,

const proxy = new Proxy(testObj, {
  // for the result of every function call (add / subtract ....)
  // i would like to add 1 to the result


In the end I found the way to do.最后我找到了方法。 It was to return another proxy from the get trap.它是从 get 陷阱返回另一个代理。 Just posting this in case anyone stumbles across the same problem.只是张贴这个以防万一有人遇到同样的问题。

const testProxy = new Proxy(testObj, {
  get: (
    target: typeof testObj,
    key: keyof typeof testObj,
  ): any => {
    if (typeof target[key] !== 'function') {
      return target[key]
    } else {
      return new Proxy(target[key], {
        apply: (
          target: any,
          thisArg: any,
          argArray?: any[],
        ): any => {
          return target(...argArray) + 1

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