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Google Play 控制台要求我的个人帐户提供业务数据

[英]Google Play console is asking for business data from my personal account

I signed up for Google Play console yesterday and paid US$25.我昨天注册了 Google Play 控制台并支付了 25 美元。 It asked for authentication documents.它要求提供认证文件。 I entered the photo of my official ID card and my address.我输入了我的正式身份证照片和地址。 Here's a response today:这是今天的回应:

Reason for failure: You submitted a document associated with individual accounts, but you are using an organizational account.失败原因:您提交的文件与个人账户相关联,但您使用的是组织账户。 Please submit one of the documents we accept for organizations or contact customer support to change your account type.请提交我们接受的组织文件之一或联系客户支持以更改您的帐户类型。

I looked at the account details page .我查看了 帐户详细信息页面 my account is personal.我的帐户是个人的。 What do I do now?现在我该怎么做?

I'm afraid to repost because nothing has changed.我不敢重新发布,因为什么都没有改变。 My photos or other official documents are ready, but I couldn't find phone support like Apple on Google.我的照片或其他官方文件都准备好了,但我在 Google 上找不到像 Apple 这样的电话支持。

At first I was waiting for Google to accept this situation.起初我在等待谷歌接受这种情况。

From Google Play Console, click on the ( ? ) icon in the upper right corner.在 Google Play 控制台中,单击右上角的 ( ? ) 图标。

Then click on Contact Us and tell them about your situation.然后单击“联系我们”并告诉他们您的情况。

Note: Always use your passport as an identification document.注意:始终使用您的护照作为身份证明文件。 Google does not recognize most countries' personal IDs. Google 无法识别大多数国家/地区的个人 ID。

And don't worry.别担心。 This happened with one of my clients recently and was resolved in one month.这件事最近发生在我的一位客户身上,并在一个月内得到解决。


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