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使用AMD GPU时YOLO output使用什么平台?

[英]What platform to use for YOLO output when using AMD GPU?

long time tormented by this question, I ask your advice in what direction to move.被这个问题折磨了好久,请问您的建议是朝哪个方向移动。 Objective - to develop universal application with yolo on windows, which can use computing power of AMD/Nvidia/Intel GPU, AMD/Intel CPU (one of the devices will be used).目标-在windows上用yolo开发通用应用程序,可以使用AMD/Nvidia/Intel GPU的计算能力,AMD/Intel CPU(其中一个设备将被使用)。 As far as I know, the OpenCV DNN module is leading in CPU computation;据我所知,OpenCV DNN模块在CPU计算方面领先; a DNN + Cuda bundle is planned for Nvidia graphics cards and a DNN + OpenCL bundle is planned for Intel GPUs. DNN + Cuda 捆绑包计划用于 Nvidia 显卡,DNN + OpenCL 捆绑包计划用于英特尔 GPU。 But testing AMD GPU rx580 with DNN + OpenCL, I ran into the following problem: https://github.com/opencv/opencv/issues/17656 .但是使用 DNN + OpenCL 测试 AMD GPU rx580,我遇到了以下问题: https://github.com/opencv/opencv/issues/17656 Does this module not support AMD GPU computing at all?这个模块根本不支持AMD GPU计算吗? If so, could you please let me know what platform this is possible on and, preferably, as efficiently as possible.如果是这样,您能否让我知道这可以在哪个平台上实现,并且最好尽可能高效。 A possible solution might be Tencent's ncnn, but I'm not sure of the performance on the desktop.一个可能的解决方案可能是腾讯的 ncnn,但我不确定桌面上的性能。 By output I mean the coordinates of detected objects and their names (in opencv dnn module I got them with cv::dnn::Net::forward()). output 是指检测到的对象的坐标及其名称(在 opencv dnn 模块中,我使用 cv::dnn::Net::forward() 获得了它们)。 Also, correct me if I'm wrong somewhere.另外,如果我在某个地方错了,请纠正我。 Any feedback would be appreciated.对于任何反馈,我们都表示感谢。

I tried the OpenCV DNN + OpenCL module and expected high performance, but this combination does not work.我尝试了 OpenCV DNN + OpenCL 模块并期望高性能,但这种组合不起作用。

I believe OpenCV doesn't support AMD for GPU optimization.我相信OpenCV不支持 AMD 进行 GPU 优化。 If you're interested in running DL models on non-Nvidia GPUs, I suggest reading PlaidML , YOLO-OpenCL , DeepCL如果您有兴趣在非 Nvidia GPU 上运行 DL 模型,我建议阅读PlaidMLYOLO-OpenCLDeepCL

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