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Python; 无法从其他目录导入模块

[英]Python; Cant import module from other directory

I am trying to decompose my program on python .我正在尝试在python上分解我的程序。 I have read a lot of information and other answers about how import works, but still cant understand how exactly.我已经阅读了很多关于import如何工作的信息和其他答案,但仍然无法理解到底是如何工作的。

I want to use my module Graph.Graph2D for implementation in InteractiveGraph2D .我想使用我的模块Graph.Graph2DInteractiveGraph2D中实现。 Before importing it, I add path to this module.在导入它之前,我添加了这个模块的路径。 But it tells NameError: name 'Graph2D' is not defined .但它告诉NameError: name 'Graph2D' is not defined

Project path:项目路径:

~/MyData/Python/Pygame/RoadSearchAlgorithm/src ~/MyData/Python/Pygame/RoadSearchAlgorithm/src

Module path:模块路径:

~/MyData/Python/Pygame/MY_MODULES/Graph ~/MyData/Python/Pygame/MY_MODULES/Graph


# ~/MyData/Python/Pygame/RoadSearchAlgorithm/src/Graph_package/InteractiveGraph2D.py

    from Graph.Graph2D import Graph2D, ...
except Exception as e:
    assert (e)

class InteractiveGraph2D(Graph2D):

What's the problem?有什么问题?

I tried to look at paths, list of imported modules.我试图查看路径、导入模块列表。 The Graph module presented in it.其中显示的 Graph 模块。

You say that the modules path is ~/MyData/Python/Pygame/MY_MODULES/Graph while in the python code you added the string '/home/rayxxx/MyData/Python/MY_MODULES' to the os.path.您说模块路径是~/MyData/Python/Pygame/MY_MODULES/Graph而在 python 代码中您将字符串'/home/rayxxx/MyData/Python/MY_MODULES'添加到 os.path。 Maybe the point is this也许重点是这个

this is a common error, when you run a python script it looks at the dir where you are running the script so four your case when you run这是一个常见的错误,当您运行 python 脚本时,它会查看您运行脚本的目录,因此当您运行时有四种情况

from Graph.Graph2D import Graph2D, ...



Python at most can import from src. Python 最多可以从src导入。

Some solution, make your module installable by adding a setup in MY_MODULE , then doing a pip install.一些解决方案,通过在MY_MODULE中添加一个设置,然后进行 pip 安装,使您的模块可安装。 in that folder, here is an example How to setup .在该文件夹中,这里有一个示例如何设置. And maybe you need to add an init .py to MY_MODULES/, check here Do I need init .py也许你需要添加一个init .py 到 MY_MODULES/,检查这里我需要init .py

Another solution is to add MY_MODULES/ to python path, avoid this if possible but here is an example Add to python path .另一种解决方案是将MY_MODULES/添加到 python 路径,如果可能请避免这种情况,但这里有一个示例Add to python path

You should make the Graph module installable by adding a setup.py file to it's directory ( doc ).您应该通过将setup.py文件添加到它的目录 ( doc ) 来使 Graph 模块可安装。 Then you could install it with pip and import it like any library.然后你可以用 pip 安装它并像任何库一样导入它。

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