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[英]Import custom module from other directory

Let's say I have a custom module in: 假设我有一个自定义模块:


And the script which needs to import custom_module.py is located at: 需要导入custom_module.py的脚本位于:


The basexx_yy is a dir with a dynamic name, consider xx and yy to be time stamps, let's say for the sake of clarity that xx is day of the week (01 = Monday - 05 = Friday) and yy is week number ( subdir1 - subdir4 are constant). basexx_yy是一个具有动态名称的目录,以xxyy为时间戳记,为清楚起见,假设xx是星期几(01 =星期一-05 =星期五),而yy是星期数( subdir1 subdir4是常量)。 So the full path to custom_module.py cannot be included as a static address. 因此,无法将custom_module.py的完整路径作为静态地址包括在内。 Since the subdirs are constant, I wrote the following code: 由于子目录是常量,因此我编写了以下代码:

import os
import sys
cwd = os.getcwd()
split = cwd.split('\\')
if 'subdir1' in split:
    parentdir = cwd.split('subdir1')
    sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(parentdir[0], 'subdir1', 'subdir2', 'subdir3', 'subdir4'))
    sys.exit("'subdir' dir not found! Run the script from within basedir.")

import custom_module

It does not, however, work. 但是,它不起作用。 I'd appreciate some clarity as I cannot see why this doesn't work. 我会很清楚,因为我看不到为什么这不起作用。

It is not exactly clear from your question what your situation is, but here goes as it was designed to be used : 从您的问题中尚不清楚您所处的情况,但是按照设计使用的方式进行

  • A package contains a setup.py and can be installed using pip . 软件包包含setup.py ,可以使用pip进行安装。
  • A module lives inside a package or a module and contains an __init__.py . 模块位于包或模块内部,并包含__init__.py

Your package should have a structure like 您的包裹应具有以下结构


basexx_yy being a package means it can be installed into your python library collection using basexx_yy是一个软件包,意味着可以使用以下命令将其安装到您的python库集合中

pip install basexx_yy

or, while developing 或者,在开发时

pip install -e basexx_yy

Afterwards any script (it may even be completely outside your package) can do 之后,任何脚本(甚至可能完全在您的软件包之外)都可以执行

import basexx_yy

and also deep import like 而且像

import basexx_yy.subdir1.subdir2.subdir3.subdir4.custom_module as cm


or, any file in your module tree ( otherdir is missing __init__.py so it is outside the module tree and cannot do this) can do relative imports. 或者,模块树中的任何文件( otherdir缺少__init__.py因此它在模块树之外,无法执行此操作)可以进行相对导入。

eg custom_module.py can do 例如custom_module.py可以做

from . import custom_modules
from .. import pp
from ... import etc
from .... import more_files
from ..... import something_else

I agree with Nils Werner, that you most probably want to restructure your package(s). 我同意Nils Werner的观点,您很可能希望重组您的软件包。

Anyway, your code should work! 无论如何,您的代码应该可以工作! Only problem is that you use 唯一的问题是您使用

split = cwd.split('\\')

instead of 代替

split = cwd.split(os.path.sep)

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