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[英]Import functions from Python script in remote directory via a custom module

So this problem is a bit convoluted, but I will try to explain. 因此,这个问题有点令人费解,但是我将尽力解释。 I have written a script script.py that is located in /my/directory/script.py . 我已经编写了位于/my/directory/script.py的脚本script.py This contains many helpful functions that I would like to make available to users of Python on this server. 它包含许多有用的功能,我希望此服务器上的Python用户可以使用。 Normally, I would package it as a module and move it to the libs folder and access it this way, but unfortunately at my company I am unable to edit files when they are placed there as I will not have root access. 通常,我会将其打包为一个模块,然后将其移动到libs文件夹并以这种方式访问​​它,但是不幸的是,在我的公司中,当文件放置在那里时,我无法对其进行编辑,因为我没有root访问权限。

What I have been doing to access this script from either the shell or other scripts is to write: 从外壳程序或其他脚本访问此脚本的工作就是编写:

import sys
from script import *

This works, but ideally I would like it to just be: 这可行,但是理想情况下,我希望它是:

import script

What I was thinking was making a folder in libs with __init__.py that contains the import sys code above, and simply referencing this script with an import. 我当时想的是在包含__init__.py libs创建一个包含上面导入sys代码的文件夹,并简单地通过导入引用此脚本。 But when I do this I get an import error that the script is unable to import from my referenced script. 但是,当我这样做时,我收到一个导入错误,该脚本无法从引用的脚本中导入。

Is there a better way to do this? 有一个更好的方法吗?

Basically I want people to be able to access my module as if it is installed normally by importing a script that imports my functions. 基本上,我希望人们能够通过导入导入我的函数的脚本来访问我的模块,就像正常安装它一样。


pip install --user package
import sys
import my.directory.script
sys.modules['script'] = my.directory.script

run this in __init__.py __init__.py运行它

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