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[英]Image classifier project

python predict.py /path/to/image checkpoint

what is the path to image here.这里的图像路径是什么。 i need to give an image as an input, the image is in a folder 1 which is in folder test, which is in the folder flowers.我需要提供一个图像作为输入,该图像位于文件夹 1 中,该文件夹位于文件夹 test 中,该文件夹位于文件夹 flowers 中。 so i have written it as /flowers/test/1/image.jpg, but i am getting it as "no file or directory"所以我把它写成/flowers/test/1/image.jpg,但我得到的是“没有文件或目录”



i have tried writing the statements in the image, as i said thats not working.我试过在图像中写下语句,正如我所说的那样,那是行不通的。 i am doing a udacity nanodegree project AI programming with python.我正在使用 python 进行 udacity nanodegree 项目 AI 编程。

Unless the flower/ directory is at the root of the file system, you shouldn't have a leading slash in front of the path.除非flower/目录位于文件系统的根目录,否则路径前不应该有前导斜杠。 To reference the current directory, you should instead do python predict.py./flowers/test/1/image.jpg checkpoint .要引用当前目录,您应该执行python predict.py./flowers/test/1/image.jpg checkpoint

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