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如何将来自 api 的响应转换为图像

[英]How can I convert the response coming from the api to image

I have response coming from the api like attached image.我收到来自 api 的回复,如附图。 I want to convert this response to the image.我想将此响应转换为图像。 I have tried to convert this into base64 string but i am not able to do it as well.我试图将其转换为 base64 字符串,但我也做不到。

Image of the response响应图像


api is like this: api是这样的:

                { auth: {
                    username: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
                    password: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
                ).then(resp => {

I want the solution without using responseType in the get request because api is not accepting the response type.我想要在 get 请求中不使用 responseType 的解决方案,因为 api 不接受响应类型。 I am not getting a way to convert this to image我没有办法将其转换为图像

1 Encoding should be base64 you can do that on either on the server or the client. 1 编码应为 base64 您可以在服务器或客户端上执行此操作。

2 The Raw data should be set as the following - 2 原始数据应设置如下 -

    <img ng-src="data:image/*;base64,{{Raw Binary Data}}"/>

It seems like the server is sending raw data看起来服务器正在发送原始数据
You can convert it to blob by using fetch like below:您可以使用如下所示的 fetch 将其转换为 blob:

const res = await fetch(url);
const data = await res.blob();
const image = URL.createObjectURL(data);

Set Image as src of an image tagImage设置为图像标签的src

I want the solution without using responseType in the get request because api is not accepting the response type.我想要在 get 请求中不使用 responseType 的解决方案,因为 api 不接受响应类型。

responseType has nothing to do with server. responseType与服务器无关。 It tells Axios how to handle the expected response data.它告诉 Axios 如何处理预期的响应数据。 In this scenario you could pass responseType: "blob" , which can be passed to URL.createObjectURL() to create an URL that can be used as <img> src .在这种情况下,您可以传递responseType: "blob" ,它可以传递给URL.createObjectURL()以创建可用作<img> src的 URL 。

const url = 'https://api.bamboohr.com/api/gateway.php/tadigital/v1/employees/2223/photo/large';
axios.get(url, {
  auth: {
    username: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
    password: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
  responseType: 'blob',
}).then((resp) => {
  const img = document.createElement('img');
  img.src = URL.createObjectURL(resp.data);
  img.alt = 'employee photo';


 const url = ""; axios.get(url, { responseType: "blob", }).then((resp) => { const img = document.createElement("img"); img.src = URL.createObjectURL(resp.data); img.alt = "React icon"; document.body.append(img); }).catch((error) => { console.log(error); });
 <script crossorigin src="https://unpkg.com/axios@1/dist/axios.js"></script>

Note that you should call URL.revokeObjectURL() if you no longer need the URL.请注意,如果您不再需要 URL,则应调用URL.revokeObjectURL()


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