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Telerik Rad Scheduler Windows 窗体从右到左文本

[英]Telerik Rad Scheduler Windows Form Right To Left Text

I use RadScheduler For My C# Windows Application and my Culture is Fa (Persian Iran) but I have a problem with the Show Appointment Text I changed RightToLeft to True but it did not work.我将 RadScheduler 用于我的 C# Windows 应用程序,我的文化是 Fa(伊朗波斯语),但我对显示约会文本有疑问,我将 RightToLeft 更改为 True,但它不起作用。 在此处输入图像描述

Mostafa, It seems that you hit a known issue related to the RightToLeft support for RadScheduler. Mostafa,您似乎遇到了一个与 RadScheduler 的 RightToLeft 支持相关的已知问题。 You can track its progress, subscribe for status changes and add your comments on the following link: https://feedback.telerik.com/winforms/1371186-fix-radscheduler-persian-text-is-rendered-in-reversed-order-in-appointmentelement-with-rtl-radscheduler您可以跟踪其进度、订阅状态更改并在以下链接上添加您的评论: https ://feedback.telerik.com/winforms/1371186-fix-radscheduler-persian-text-is-rendered-in-reversed-order -在约会元素与-rtl-radscheduler

Feel free to use the suggested solution and see whether it would improve the text rendering on your end.请随意使用建议的解决方案,看看它是否会改善您端的文本呈现。

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