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Azure Devops 中的通用服务连接

[英]Generic Service Connection in Azure Devops

I am pretty new to Devops and I am trying to make a connection with the GCP.我是 Devops 的新手,我正在尝试与 GCP 建立联系。 While creating the generic connection, what url do I have to provide?创建通用连接时,我必须提供什么 url? should it be the api endpoint?它应该是 api 端点吗? or the auth token url. I am trying to connect with Bigquery api, and I am also confused about how should I authenticate?或身份验证令牌 url。我正在尝试连接 Bigquery api,我也对如何进行身份验证感到困惑? Is there also any other way?还有其他办法吗? I could not find any single blog that helps to InvokeRestApi task to the GCP alongwith the authentication.我找不到任何有助于将 InvokeRestApi 任务连同身份验证一起发送到 GCP 的博客。

Thanks for helping:)感谢您的帮助:)

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I tried with the gcloud shell in Azure but I am not sure how can I get the api response back from gcloud script.我尝试在 Azure 中使用 gcloud shell,但我不确定如何从 gcloud 脚本返回 api 响应。

You can refer to Generic Service Connection and know about parameter and Description.您可以参考Generic Service Connection了解参数和说明。

The url is the url of your service(eg: https://gcr.io/PROJECT_ID ). url是您的服务的 url(例如: https://gcr.io/PROJECT_ID )。

The Token Key generated in the path of GCP: GCP路径下生成的Token Key

Service account->create service account->create key服务账户->创建服务账户->创建密钥

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