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Generic Service Connection in Azure Devops

I am pretty new to Devops and I am trying to make a connection with the GCP. While creating the generic connection, what url do I have to provide? should it be the api endpoint? or the auth token url. I am trying to connect with Bigquery api, and I am also confused about how should I authenticate? Is there also any other way? I could not find any single blog that helps to InvokeRestApi task to the GCP alongwith the authentication.

Thanks for helping:)

enter image description here

I tried with the gcloud shell in Azure but I am not sure how can I get the api response back from gcloud script.

You can refer to Generic Service Connection and know about parameter and Description.

The url is the url of your service(eg: https://gcr.io/PROJECT_ID ).

The Token Key generated in the path of GCP:

Service account->create service account->create key

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